Recent Content by kdamen3332

  1. kdamen3332
    Is there a code to play as sora with the old outfit from kh1?

    Post by: kdamen3332, May 24, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. kdamen3332
    does someone have the Action replay max codes for:
    Space paranoid sora
    Timesless river sora
    and Final Form sora normal.

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jan 24, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  3. kdamen3332
    does anyone have the ARMAX code for a warp to the first xemnas battle? not jokering please!!
    Just push R2 and then you get in the first xemnas battle!
    i want to do axel Xemnas vs Sora and mickey.

    Post by: kdamen3332, Oct 10, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. kdamen3332
    well i think there is one
    Because a week ago there was one given to me from i dont know who
    But that one dont work
    have someone has one?
    The mastercode is the same as the one on this first page.

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. kdamen3332
    well i think there is one
    Because a week ago there was one given to me from i dont know who
    But that one dont work
    have someone has one?
    The mastercode is the same as the one on this first page.

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. kdamen3332
    well i think there is one
    Because a week ago there was one given to me from i dont know who
    But that one dont work
    have someone has one?
    The mastercode is the same as the one on this first page.

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. kdamen3332
    Does someone has a code to have riku as an ally in all worlds?
    I have one here but dont work
    my game freeze:S
    Post by: kdamen3332, Jul 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. kdamen3332
    Well i mean which big monsters are possible in the fight for 1000 heartless?
    cerberus can't:( which ones can?:D

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jul 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. kdamen3332
    which monsters from disney can i do that are not going away in that battle from the 1000 heartless?

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jul 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. kdamen3332
    i got a question.
    Well i did a hacked fight sora and riku from mulan and cerberus vs 1000 heartless but 2 seconds after the fight cerberus was falling threw the ground and dissapeart.
    Why is that happening?

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jul 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. kdamen3332
    Bosses are:
    2037a848 XXXXXXXX

    Enemies are:
    2037a84c XXXXXXXX

    Allies - 0016eb34
    Bosses - 0016eabc

    So if i get this right
    I just must put this 0016eb34 instead for the XXXXXXX to make them allies and the other to make them bosses?
    Can someone convert them to action replay max?

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. kdamen3332
    does someone have the room mod codes for the place where you fight roxas and destiny island door to darkness because the others that was gave me doesn't work on this master code


    Does someone destiny island and than al 3 the places like door to darkness
    Main road and main island: shore
    And than station of awakening?

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. kdamen3332
    Bosses and Enemies are ...

    Bosses are:
    2037a848 XXXXXXXX

    Enemies are:
    2037a84c XXXXXXXX

    Allies - 0016eb34
    Bosses - 0016eabc

    I dont understand these?
    Can someone explain it for me:)?

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. kdamen3332
    Does someone has the room mod code to get to the room where you fight roxas?
    And to destiny island?
    and is there a code to make every boss as a ally?

    Action replay max please(A)

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. kdamen3332
    But now a last one(A)
    I wanted to do a hacked figt.
    Sora vs Hades and Cerberus in disney castle
    But i have a hades code
    but there he is red so i cant hit him.
    Does someone have a hades code that he is normal and is not turning into red
    The hades i meant is in the last tournament for lvl 99 and then round 30.


    ooo yeah i almost forgot
    Does someone has also a code to do with DW roxas Reaction commands?

    Post by: kdamen3332, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault