Recent Content by kanUkeepAsekret

  1. kanUkeepAsekret
    I like all the forms for different reasons...
    I like valor because of the intense attacking and rapid movements...
    I like wisdom because of the Quick Run ability...
    I like Master because of the awesome magic and Aerial Dodge ability...
    I like Final because its so friggin cool looking...and of the cool attacks and magic...
    I like Anti because of the quick movements and attacking, and it looks awesome...

    I hate Valor because you can't use magic and its hard to level up...
    I hate Wisdom because its attack sucks and its hard to level up...
    I hate Master because of the yellow clothes and its slow attacks...
    I hate Final because... I don't know...
    I hate Anti because it basically sucks... besides the attacks, you can't block, use magic, revert until there's 1 drive left, and it uses all of your drive guage...

    These are my thoughts...
    Post by: kanUkeepAsekret, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. kanUkeepAsekret
    I gotta give it up for the japanese...
    They have officially made the americans jealous. I want it to, but i also have to agree with the others when they say that it would cost more to recustomize the game for america. However, i don't believe it would be as hard as other people make it seem. The reason it took Square to develop KH2FM+ was because they had to create a whole new game (CoM) and create all new scenes for KH2FM. Not to mention how long the extended version of the secret ending took to make, what with all the complicated CGI graphics and such. But, with KH2FM, besides adding the new scenes, it probably didn't take so long to add because they've got the whole basis for the game from the original KH2, therefore, it would not take so long because they already have a profile for the american version, if they decide to translate. All they would have to do is make english subtitles for their new scenes, since most of them don't include voice actors, and put in english subtitles, and then add that to their existing american KH2 game. But, is Square really just about the money? Isn't it really about the gamers' happiness? XD
    My final thoughts for Square is, if they were smart, they would give us KH2FM+, translated, and include a translated version of KHFM the first one. That way we'd get the most up to date version of the whole KH trilogy. Think how many people would purchase that, especially those who missed out on the KH phenomenon the fist go around. Everyone would be at an even keel, and i think square would attract more buyers. It sends the message that their a worldwide company.

    C'mon SQUARE, make the westerner's happy!
    Post by: kanUkeepAsekret, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX