is something wrong with the link for the kh2 halloween town visit one? cuz everytime i click to download that file it takes me to mediafire like usual but the pop up box that i can click on to start downloading never pops up, i thought that if i just click on the word start downloading on the page it would pop up but it doesnt it just stays on that page and does nuthin but if i choose any other kh video to download, it downloads perfectly!..i really need that one video cuz its the final mix + version of that world and i need it to make a video T~T
ok u see the vid is like 5mins or so...and im watching it download. u kno the little box that pops up wen u do that? well for example it'll say estimated time left: 5min and 15 secs (4.27 MB of 22.1 MB) and then suddenly its done not even 2 minutes have passed! so i go and watch it just to make sure its the vid...and then like only 1min of the vid plays and then it cuts off and that's it for the video! all i want is the intro to kh2! T~T
everytime i click to download the kh2 intro it nevers complete downloads! when i click on it, it takes me to mediafire and i download it bt everytime it only gives me fraction of the there something wrong with the link? or is it my computer?