Recent Content by kairi_namine_Roxas_sora

  1. kairi_namine_Roxas_sora
    A cinderella story: As the dawn breaks the night

    So the shadows raised their selves through the misty land called dawnland. There was two places or more exactly....lands, first dawnland and then nighteryland. Dawnland was that creepy dark filled place that almost no one wanted to visit, but only almost. The rest of the story is better left untold. And now to nighteryland, it isn't as bad as it sounds- acctully that's where Cinderella Teturou lives. And she's of course the princess in the very beloved land. And Cinderella is called the red beauty over at dawnland. So the princess seaks adventure but she yet don't know what waits along her journey, and the rest well it's up to you my friend.

    Cinderella: Mother! Where are you?Mooooo.......
    Mother Annie: What is it, darlin'?
    Cinderella: I was just wondering...could i go to grandma? please?
    Mother Annie: Well, know grandma isn't feeling very right, you see-she's become a little bit awkward lately hunny
    Cinderella: But, mother please! I promise, i promise i'll be careful. I'll be just fine. No worries for me...altough i'm the princess it doesn't mean i'm not a kid like the others, mother.
    Mother Annie: Well,do you pro....
    Cinderella: No need to worry, i'm alright!

    And Cinderella â€Cindy†Teturou runs to her grandmother Ingrid. And so she is now glad again.

    Cinderella: Grandmother! I'm so happy to see you! So got any amazing story to tell? I would love to hear it.
    Grandma: Well, have you heard about the new rumor in dawnland?
    Cinderella: Oh, isn't that the forbidden word and land? Grandma you gotta tell me! Mother keeps me shelled up and doesn't say anything more than â€dinner!††and please clean your room a bit!â€
    Grandma: looks your mother has raised you a bit to well. I guess a story wouldn't hurt, it isn't as shy as the land itself.

    Grandma: Well as you see this house was or in matter of fact â€is†Dawn Landery's house, or castle. For like only 200 years ago, there was two teenagers that allways were together, it was Dawn Landery and Nigh Terlan, they were best friends, untill ninth grade. Where Dawn meets another boy and eventually Nigh meets another girl. And twelve years later both of them got married, and they got a family, Dawn got two boys and three girls. And Nigh got two boys and one girl. Then something brutaly happened- the kids has been murdered. Years by years they searched for the killer. And because Dawn and her husbands devortion just went through one day before the kids got murdered isn't just radical, it's mystical. Just one week later Dawn died, she was murdered too. And the next day everyone heard that they all went to the church sitting on their knees crossing their fingers and closing their eyes with exactly one thousand graveyard candles around praying their last pray for the lost souls that was lost to nowhere. And since that no one has ever told about the real story that happened in that village called sunovelia. Sunovelia was a light and sunny breezzy land, but that day Dawn's children went lost and found murdered they renamed it to Dawnland. And probably Nigh was lost too but why there was a land named after him too, no one knows. But there is one myth told that in the deepest deep of Dawnland the most patrifieing most gracious and disgusted secrets are held.

    Thread by: kairi_namine_Roxas_sora, Oct 26, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Archives