Recent Content by justmeh

  1. justmeh


    -edited for advertising and closed-

    I'm going back, because it's better. You should check it out if you like rping.
    Thread by: justmeh, Jul 4, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. justmeh
    Good and evil are just differences of opinion. What context are we talking about?
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. justmeh
    How the hell am I going to give you proof of something that hasn't even happened yet? Go watch a video where Al Gore talks about global warming, or David Suzuki talks about what we can do for the environment as well.

    OH, here's some proof. President's choice has just introduced a new biodegradable shopping bag to reduce the amount of plastic bags in landfills. Supposedly it'll reduce the number of plastic bags by a number in the billions.

    Why don't you educate yourself on what you can do, and what's being done before coming on the internet and making ******ed remarks about how we're fighting losing battles. If the only thing that you can think of to save the environment is coming on the internet and telling people that you hate all humans because we are all destroying the environment, then you really don't have anything useful to add to this manner at all.

    I didn't bother looking in your profile because I don't particularly care what gender you are, I just wanted to be grammatically correct.

    Also, the way you talk about fighting battles and victory and all that kinda stuff makes you sound like you're some ******ed ten year old who really doesn't know anything about the issues such as global warming or anything along those lines for that matter.

    If you really want help, you need to enlist the aid of Gaia. I'll give you details on how to get her help here.

    EDIT: I found a better video. XD
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. justmeh
    No, it's not. Why do you think it's called the THEORY of evolution?

    That statement kinda hurt pretty much every argument for the side of those opposing evolution. You pretty much discredited yourself as well.
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  5. justmeh
    Name: Von Nightblade

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Weapon: Von uses a wooden sword on Destiny Island, however when everyone else gets his or her weapon he'll get an actual sword.

    Personality: Every group has that one person who is constantly looking for something better, and is willing to do anything to achieve it. In the group, which this story shall centre around, Von Nightblade is that person. Despite the fact that he is a good friend, he often finds himself jealous of others in his group for one reason or another; typically his jealousy is fueled by the idea that he is somehow superior to most in his group. One thing that you can always count on him for is his ability to achieve his goals, the only drawback being that in the process of reaching his set goal he often finds that the line between right and wrong becomes blurred. Indeed Von has a relatively long list of flaws, however despite his many vices he remains loyal to those he calls his friends.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Von is the one on the left. He'll be wearing the same clothing, well, at the beginning at least.

    Biography: Like his friends, Von was born and raised on Destiny Island. From a young age he proved to be quite proficient in everything he did, often times easily surpassing those that he called his friends. Despite the fact that his life was happy on the islands, there was always the nagging feeling that there was something out there waiting for him; it was always just a question of when he decided to go out and find it. As the years went by, that nagging feeling began to grow, and continued to the point that it was ready to consume him. Fed up with wondering, he decided that he would leave. It was he who had pitched the idea of a raft to his friends, and with or without them he was ready to leave. Luckily for him, his friends too decided that they would leave, and they now face their final days on the island before they finally begin the path to their realizing their destiny. As always, Von is ready to meet destiny head on, whatever the cost.

    Theme Song:

    Uh oh, I'm leaving this site and going back to KHI.

    Join. Post. It's better than here.
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. justmeh
    . : Story : .

    Destiny Island, a place that would seem the majority of people as a picturesque, tropical paradise. Warm beaches, blue skies, palm trees, beautiful sunsets, and a small, close-knit community; such a place would indeed be a portrait of perfection to one whom has lived their life, however to the restless hearts of the young such a place could best be related to a prison, surrounded by water. The only way such a youth could ever hope to ever live would be to escape the island, which is exactly what one group intends to do. Little did this group know that their need for freedom would set into motion a set of events that would change everything. It is now time for them to step forward and realize their destiny.

    . : Rundown : .

    This roleplay will, more or less, follow the story of the first Kingdom Hearts. A few of the differences will be that characters will visit different worlds that aren't necessarily Final Fantasy or Disney themed, there will be two initial keybladers, and there will probably be one or two more times when we step away from the main plot. We'll start out on Destiny Island(the day that it is taken by the Heartless), and then go from there. If you liked the game you should like this, right?

    . : Rules : .

    1. There will only be two keybladers, and they both must private message me before they write a profile. If you're accepted then I'll tell you a couple of details that you'll need to know and you can make a profile. If you apply to be a keyblader you have to make sure that you can actually post relatively often(3-4 times a week).
    2. Keep godmoding and powerplaying to a minimum. I'm aware the rules say none, but sometimes certain things require a little bit of both. Private message me if you think what you're going to do is unacceptable.
    3. There will be absolutely no nobodies in this roleplay. I'm aware that many of you are quite fond of them, but let's save it for the sequel.
    4. Try not to hog the spotlight.
    5. Remember to follow the rules set out by the mods, unless they clash with any of mine.
    6. Posts don't have to be very long all the time. Often times people drag on and the post sucks, it could result in you being kicked out.
    7. I reserve the right to kick you out.
    8. I know I can't really force you, but have fun. Roleplaying is meant to be fun and you shouldn't feel like it's a chore.
    9. Please try to be active, I want to finish this rp.
    10. Use "OOC:" and "IC:" to show what is out of character and in character.

    . : Character Template : .


    Age: 14-16

    Gender: Male or Female

    Weapon: I'm aware that they didn't have weapons on Destiny Island, pick a fake weapon(like a wooden sword or a skipping rope) that resembles your weapon and put that here, also put your actual weapon and I'll work all of us getting the weapons into the story.


    Appearance: Picture or description is fine.

    Biography: Your character doesn't know anything about the heartless or anything.

    Theme Song:

    Feel free to add anything to the template, that is simply outlining the minimum of what I'd like.

    . : . : . : . : . : .

    Please join this. If there are any questions you can post them here.
    Thread by: justmeh, Jul 4, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. justmeh
    Perhaps a debate forum isn't the best place for you if you're going to get so emotional about this kind of thing.

    Anyways, I'm very much for gay marriage.
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. justmeh
    So then would that be considered a knockout on my part?

    Don't hold your breath, that's not going to happen.

    C'mon, who doesn't love penguins?
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. justmeh
    He was making a point with that reference to everything in the Bible being a sin, not actually quoting you on something.

    Also, I'd just like you to take a look at this: lolol

    Did somebody say penguin?
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. justmeh
    I'll accept that you think it's a sin if you accept the fact that you're a Bible thumper. The only person I saw bring up the fact that it has anything to do with your religion is you. I don't think people put others down because of their religion, I think they'd put you down because you're not listening to facts.

    What's your basis for saying it's wrong other than the fact that you don't like the idea of it? You don't think it's right, thus any facts there are supporting the matter and the people who believe in such a thing are the ******ed ones?

    You're a smart one...
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. justmeh
    I like that you spelled 'meet' wrong. Illiteracy's hot.

    Just joking around with you man. =D Welcome to KHV, hopefully you'll enjoy your stay. I just joined yesterday, but it's been really easy to post around here. What other forums are you a part of? Ever been to KHI?
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. justmeh
    SN, when your only defence is that you think it's gross perhaps you should reconsider your stance on it. =/
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  13. justmeh
    I would like to remind Peace-and-War that she/he too is a human, and that she(I don't know your gender and don't feel like putting a slash, so I'll just alternate between both genders in this post) very likely contributes to a lot of the things he says she hates so much.

    Humans are animals. We're apes that evolved to a point that we could become dominant over other animals. Don't like the way other animals are being treated? Do something about it rather than contribute to your case of self-loathing.

    Last time I checked, there are programs in order to help reverse a lot of the damage that we've done, and there are people trying to help out animals. Saying that you hate all humans is just kinda stupid. Sorry if you're offended by that, but it's kinda true. XD
    Post by: justmeh, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Discussion