Recent Content by Just2Chill

  1. Just2Chill
    Okay nevermind I figured it out, I grabbed some codes from the perfect character cheats and I tried to make them individual codes
    _C0 Action Command Slot Jump
    _L 0x11719B78 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Guard
    _L 0x11719BB8 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Guard Extension
    _L 0x11719BC0 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Dodge
    _L 0x11719B90 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Sonic Impact
    _L 0x11719B98 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Aerial Recovery/Retaliation
    _L 0x11719BC8 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Air Slide
    _L 0x11719B88 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Reversal/Teleport
    _L 0x11719BA0 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Reversal Extention
    _L 0x11719BB0 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Homing Slide
    _L 0x11719BA8 0x00000xxx
    _C0 Action Command Slot Glide/DoubleFlight
    _L 0x11719B80 0x00000xxx
    Edit: I figured out how the action command code works. Also, can someone tell me what _L 0x11719B72 0x00000xxx does? I have no idea what it does
    Post by: Just2Chill, Oct 1, 2023 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Just2Chill
    Is there any codes for action command slots? I'm only seeing codes for command decks, finish commands and shotlocks.
    Post by: Just2Chill, Apr 30, 2023 in forum: Code Vault