Recent Content by jsko90

  1. jsko90
    Ah <3 Axel. Axel always looks hot! Thanks for the pictures by the way, I never saw any of them before this. ^^ Does anyone know of a translated version of the pages of that magazine?
    Post by: jsko90, May 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. jsko90
    I'd really like to see an article on this. Has anyone found one?
    Post by: jsko90, May 14, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  3. jsko90
    Yeah I think the getting away from the boyfriend thing is also a high possibility. It is just so suspicious that it HAS to be foul play. Can't wait to see what the police find.
    Post by: jsko90, May 14, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  4. jsko90
    Yup that's what I was saying too. I think he got it at the end of CoM Reverse Rebirth. I'm glad you and I are on the same page. :)
    Post by: jsko90, May 14, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. jsko90
    • Uhhh... have you ever watched that organization parody with the sailormoon song? Saix: He is the one named Sailormoon. That is just not cool man, seeing as it does kind of fit, haha.
    • All of his teeth are sharp, like a shark's. A wolf has fangs, but not all of the teeth are fangs like Saix's and it just doesn't look cool that way.
    • He's like a suck up to Xemnas.
    • Saix is such a follower, follows everything Xemnas tells him to do, he has a brain so he should use it more often.
    • His hair is weird such that it looks like a bike helmet on the top with long hair coming out of it.
    • Saix's berserk makes him kind of seem like he has rabies or something.

    • Her lightning is so strong that it can kill many people in one hit (in KH2FM+)
    • She WAS the only female in the organization. Dude that is being hella badass.
    • She doesn't seem to care what anyone thinks about her
    • She isn't afraid to mess with the other guys
    • She has bigger cojones than Demyx (sorry, I love Demyx but it's true xD)
    • She can fight in heels!
    • Her laugh scares small children
    Post by: jsko90, May 14, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. jsko90

    OJ admits

    Oh hahaha, so there IS a book that he wrote already. Stars are just way too predictable, always trying to make money off of everything they do. Such sell-outs.
    Post by: jsko90, May 13, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  7. jsko90

    I'm thinking it's foul play. I bet her boyfriend pushed her off or something because I heard on the news that apparently she was in an abusive relationship with him. Also, why would she climb from the balcony to another room when she could just use a door? And, it was the boyfriend who says that she was trying to climb onto the other room's balcony. Come on, the woman is 46 years old and has two kids, you'd think by this age one would know that climbing onto another balcony above the ocean on a moving cruise ship would be dangerous. The guy's story is just way too unlikely.
    Thread by: jsko90, May 13, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Current Events
  8. jsko90
    I agree with Repliku on that. One of the selling points for Kingdom Hearts is the action, you just cant beat how great it feels to unleash awesome combos and finishing moves. Sure I like how the FF games are but that sort of system just doesn't feel right for Kingdom Hearts.
    Post by: jsko90, May 13, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. jsko90
    I really want to see the KH2 manga but it is taking forever to come out. ;-;
    Post by: jsko90, May 12, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. jsko90
    Pokemon will live in the hearts of children everywhere forever!!!

    Seriously though, pokemon really sucks now compared to the original. They are so high up in # for the movies I don't even know what # they are on now, like 10 or 11 or something. They are also probably on the 5th version or something for the cartoon too. It has gotten so damn confusing and man how many pokemon can you catch now? like 999999999999999? Just how many weird creatures can they draw up? I used to be confident in knowing all 151 and some of the newer ones but now I'm totally lost. People can play a never-ending game of naming pokemon, there are so many. They also just came out with 2 new versions for the DS some mystery dungeon thing. My godness, when pokemon ends, that will be the end of the world.
    Post by: jsko90, May 12, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. jsko90
    Man my parents spoiled the hell out of me when I was a kid. I had tons of Disney movies, totally loved them, the first movie I watched is something I can't even remember anymore, it was probably before I even understood the movies. I'm going to take a guess and say that it was Alice in Wonderland. However the movie that I actually remember buying and watching was the Lion King. I remember holding onto that video and begging my parents to buy it, haha.
    Post by: jsko90, May 12, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  12. jsko90
    LOL wow, so far only 1 person has voted for new disney.

    I personally prefer old disney. New disney as many of you have already said, lacks the magic that old disney brought to many of our childhoods. New disney may have better animation/graphics but old disney had way better songs and stories. New disney does not even have any songs anymore, just instrumental music, and it's really a shame because the songs were one of the things that made the movies so popular. I really miss all those great songs disney used to come up with like "Can you feel the love tonight?", "Colors of the Wind", "Won't Say I'm in Love", " Whole New World" etc. Those songs and those movies will be classics forever.
    Post by: jsko90, May 12, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  13. jsko90
    Aliens vs Predator - Requiem. The most recent Alien and Predator movie thing. My god that movie had some nice action kind of I guess, but I can swear to god that I have seen the ending of that movie before in another movie. What a RIPOFF. So many scenes were way to similar to other movies I have already watched. Very unoriginal and hardly scary at all. Reminds me of Freddy vs. Jason which also sucked ass.

    Whatever happened to the actual SCARY movies back in the day? Seems like Hollywood just can't come up with ANYTHING scary anymore, they are always just ripping off the scary movies from Asia (think: The Grudge 1 and 2, The Ring 1 and 2, One missed Call, etc. the list just keeps going on and on.) Hollywood just always adds something funny in the movie, thereby ruining the whole scary mood and tension.
    Post by: jsko90, May 12, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. jsko90
    LOL. The undeniable truth, who can disagree with that? I'd have to say practically all those stupid shows with the little kid disney actors. Like do you guys know that show with those girls (one of the girls was asian, that really super annoying girl, she's a total twinkie) that is set in a hotel or something? It comes on the Disney Channel but I never knew the name of it, just knew that it sucked @$$.
    Post by: jsko90, May 12, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy