Recent Content by Johnny Stooge
So Justice League #1 came out last week and the first batch of #1's were just released.
Did any of you end up buying any? -
When you buy a magazine, you don't have to buy previous issues to understand the content in the latest one, do you?
2) The All Star and Earth One line's are also nothing like Marvel's Utlimate Comics.
Here's a list of all the titles DC will be releasing in September -
To find out more about each of them all you have to do is click the Discuss button and there'll be info about what each book is about.
And for those wondering about prices and actually reading the comics, this is a link to DC's Digital Store on Comixology -
The prices for all comics are as marked and are fairly cheap in my opinion. With the newer titles the books will be released online at the same time as they sold in comic book stores and will be both be at the same price of $2.99. However the digital comics will decrease to $1.99 after four weeks.
If anyone has any questions I'll be more than happy to answer them. -
Reynolds spent all the costume scenes during production in a grey/silver mo-cap suit. They are working off of his body. All that movement is him. The CGI was just layered on top of that.
also, screw you, Guy's awesome. -
Quit making distinctions. You either like superheroes or you don't.
But that stuff about the comic style? Quit talking bullshit.
You can't do that with Marvel characters, because they're constantly pushing an agenda that updates their characters into be current and edgy. And this is across the line of characters.
DC don't need to do that.
DC is also far more universal, with Superman being a protector of the entire world and their heroes being spread out everywhere. Marvel is just in New York.
I grew up with all the Marvel cartoons, same as everyone on this board. But I've read DC stories, I know DC characters and they are far and above anything Marvel has to offer as far as I'm concerned. -
Iron Man 2
Tony's dual identity as Iron Man has been public knowledge amongst citizens in the Marvel Universe since 2002 and it was a decision no one has regretted and one that completely makes sense to the character.
The film makers revealing it in the first movie was a great decision and I haven't heard anyone anywhere criticise that decision. Tony Stark in the movie-verse is a narcissist with self-destructive tendencies. Of course he would tell the public he's Iron Man. What greater way is there to gain more fame and publicity than by telling people you're a ****-awesome superhero?
Them doing that also allowed for exploration in some great plots that haven't been done before in superhero movies. And let me tell you, they do follow it up rather well.
I saw the movie last Wednesday at a staff screening at the cinema I work at. **** was pretty good. A real nice exploration of Tony in the middle of the movie and the chessboard is getting set up for the Avengers movie. -
And if you haven't read any comics, I would probably avoid saying something like that. -
Batman is the world's greatest detective. Period.
Heath Ledger's Joker is completely differant to the Jack Nicholson's Joker. Aaron Eckhart's Harvey Dent is completely differant to Tommy Lee Jones' Harvey Dent.
The Batman movies from 1989 to 1997 are their own continuity. It begins and ends there. Batman Begins was a reboot, a complete start from scratch. Not a prequel. -