I'm looking for codes for that PS2 game Vexx, yes, PS2. Codebreaker or Gameshark, doesn't matter. I'm mainly looking for essentials: Infinite jump, infinite health, infinite time for magma suit, etc.
Thank you much very.
Thread by: jet588,
Dec 25, 2010,
2 replies,
in forum: Code Vault
Very nice work, well done.
What really got me curious was when you were testing Mulan.
It's barely noticable but right as the door is on her right side, if you look a few feet back behind all of them you'll see some little thin on the ground and it looks like it's following you, what is it?
It's probably just a random side-story when woody and buzz try and stop some evil dude of some sort. Or that evil Dr. Porkchop guy, the pig with the hat.
Honestly it looks like a really awesome game, one worthy of finally using the PS3 I never get to use.