Recent Content by Jest

  1. Jest

    Gay Gene?

    It's not environmental. They've done studies on children with heterosexual parents and children with homosexual parents, and there is NO difference. It's not something you can provoke, think about how many gay kids are out there with extremely homophobic parents.
    Post by: Jest, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Jest
    I...DON'T think this wil happen. Planets have alligned I doubt this time would be any different. Still, I have to wonder, what point is there in broadcasting this theory and scaring paranoid people out of their wits? It's not like global warming where they're telling us to stop polluting. This would be something out of our power :P

    But, dear lord, PLEASE someone PLEASE keep this topic open until December 21, 2010 so somebody can report to us whether or not the world's ending:

    "Yeah, so, December 21 is here and sure enough, I'm typing this message as the world falls into an endless pit of hell."
    Post by: Jest, Oct 21, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Jest
    I just realized I didn't post my opinion =P

    Obviously, having the experience of coming out myself embedded in my mind, I'd be perfectly fine with someone coming out to me. And, in fact, I've had many friends come out to me after I came out of the closet for some reason.

    However, a few years back, before I was out, a friend came out to me. I didn't show it, but I was terrified. Not of him, and nothing changed between us, but of the future. Because I knew I was too, but now that I had witnessed someone I knew personally coming out, the concept became that much more real. There was now a likeness between us that somehow let me to reflect upon myself.

    All in all, though, nothing changes.
    Post by: Jest, Aug 20, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. Jest
    Okay. There have been many topics that have been wandering around this topic, but now I want to know:

    "When push comes to shove and someone you're really close to tells you they're gay, what would you do?"

    Like, let's say your best friend ever one day tells you he or she is really in despair about something and needs to tell you, and ends up coming out to you.

    Or what if your child ends up coming out to you at a teenage age.

    We all have our opinions on homosexuality, but I want to know, when push comes to shove, will your opinion change on that person or will your opinion change on the orientation itself because of your bond with that person?
    Thread by: Jest, Aug 18, 2007, 33 replies, in forum: Discussion
  5. Jest
    ^Thaaaaank you.

    Also, I read that article the other member posted. Errr I don't sexualize human waste XD that's what stuck out the most when I read it. Seems as though they are VERY ignorant.

    Plus, I know that people believe it's wrong to act on your feelings and not your morals (as if staying away from relations with the same sex is a moral..), but ask yourself this:

    Would it be more fair of me to marry a woman and lie to her every time I said I loved her or said I was attracted to her, or every time we had sex? I think not. That was one of the reasons I denied myself woman in the first place, because I respected them enough to not lie to their faces.
    Post by: Jest, Aug 17, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Jest
    ^I seem to recall that as well. Am I right in saying there was a saying that was something like "Women are for home, boys are for pleasure" or something??? I know the second part was right at first.
    Post by: Jest, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Current Events
  7. Jest
    I don't support RikuxSora. They have a perfectly fine friendship, so let's not go into details about their relations, mmk? :)
    Post by: Jest, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Jest
    That's..basically what I JUST said. ._.;
    Post by: Jest, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. Jest
    I don't think the question is "can we understand the opposite sex", but moreso "can we understand the human beings keeping us company in this reality?"

    I think in some manner of speaking, gender does play a huge role in understanding but only physical. As far as mental situations go, I personally find I understand girls way more than my own gender. However, only to a certain extent. When it comes down to it, I don't think I understand anybody at all because I am me and they are them and therefore, not sharing the same thoughts, we can't FULLY understand each other.
    Post by: Jest, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. Jest
    Lol midaswell post here, I've posted on everything else that has to do remotely with homosexuality.

    Is everything about sex?? Geez.

    I'm pretty disturbed. This is disgusting, and wrong, and I hope they can't sleep because of depriving someone of their writes after they've passed.
    Post by: Jest, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Current Events
  11. Jest
    It's just a phrase, I guess. I'm gay and I say it sometimes.

    To be honest, I even know quite a few gay guys who refer to themselves as a ***, sometimes myself included. If it's by the outside party, however, it's seen as an insult. It's weird but interesting.
    Post by: Jest, Aug 15, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. Jest
    Dareka no negai ga kanau koro...BUT IT HAS TO CHANGE CAUSE I'M GOING CRAZY!!! T_T IT'S ON REPEAT...
    Post by: Jest, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jest
    He did SO well in Brokeback Mountain <3 I loved that movie with a passion. He nailed the character perfectly.
    Post by: Jest, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Jest
    I only saw the ending of that!

    Personally, at first I hated the mustache thing he had going on...I actually like it now, it suits him and his personality!
    Post by: Jest, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone