Recent Content by jerseyjosh

  1. jerseyjosh
    I’ve been hearing a smattering of news and views about the International Academy of Film and Television. Unfortunately, I never got around to visiting the school during my last trip to Cebu. I wanted to see facilities for myself and hopefully get to meet some mentors in the campus. Since i missed out on doing that, was hoping to talk to an IAFT student in this forum? Anyone?
    Thread by: jerseyjosh, Mar 16, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. jerseyjosh
    A few days ago, I got into a discussion with my uncle who feels that there’s really no need for anyone to study film much more to take up an immersion course for a year. I’m 21 and I decided to take an immersion film course at the International Academy of Film and Television (Blowed my parents mind off when I told them it was in Asia!). Although I understand where he is coming from, I beg to disagree with him on a lot of things. If there’s anything that I’ve learned is school is that filmmaking demands the integration of many kinds of knowledge and skill that one gets from hands-on training, classroom instruction and actual film production. These are the why’s that help you answer the how’s!
    Thread by: jerseyjosh, Mar 7, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. jerseyjosh
    Hello Everyone! Just introducing myself. Im jersey I am probably one of the younger ones in this group. I love films. I would just like to contribute to something creative, no matter how small.
    Thread by: jerseyjosh, Mar 7, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. jerseyjosh
    31, Indie Film Director
    1. Gustavo Santaolalla - I Come With the Rain (worked on Babel and Brokeback Mountain)
    2. Soren Hyldgaard – Red (worked with Eye of the Eagle and Angel of the Night)
    Thread by: jerseyjosh, Mar 7, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media