Recent Content by jengo
Hmmm...hope it includes FM+ also:
1. Larxene
2. Lexaeus
3. Xigbar -
Huge Spoiler
Edit: Moved to the spoiler section for those of you who wanna see it... -
But I have a way to play it without having to worry when it comes out.... -
358/2 Days Played it...
Yeah, I recently found a decrypted rom in the bowels of my computer, forgot that my friend scoped one out for me to play.
Anywho, it's just flat out amazing, the graphics could be better, but what the hay, it's a DS, they havent perfected complete 3d graphics yet.
Aside from that, the story mode is excellent, and the mission modes even better!
I'd give it a 10/10, can't w8 till it hits the states!
Jengo -
Levetation code gives B.S.O.D, or it freezes the second you move, and the weapon modifiers freezes the game if you have it activated in the gummi ship.
Just wanted to report what happened.
P.S I save with cheats on, and it hasen't affected my game at all.... but it's just the cheats like fast level up, Infinite HP, ect. -
I need to know how to use it, can't figure it out.
Then just clear out temp internet files and cookies, that should help alot!
JENGO!!! -
An Idea.....
Can't you like, put a ground moveset code in with the riku code so he doesn't t-stance or the game freezes when you do ground combos? -
Bumping this cause my topic was closed...
Well, got these from majutsuko on youtube, thought i'd share it here.
This post os gonna be very long, my computer won't let me upload anything!!!
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Version 1.4
Nov. 2007
Written by: Majutsuko
CHAPTER 1 ~ PREFACE --------------------------------------------------- [1Prfc]
i - Introduction ...................................... [1iaaa]
CHAPTER 2 ~ BEATING THE SYSTEM ---------------------------------------- [2BSys]
i - Master/Enable Codes & Converting Codes/Digits ..... [2iaaa]
ii - Codes by Skandulous ............................... [2iiaa]
iii - Codes by Rangle ................................... [2iiia]
iv - Codes by Krispies ................................. [2ivaa]
v - Codes by lee4 ..................................... [2vaaa]
vi - Codes by Chaos Grimoire ........................... [2viaa]
CHAPTER 3 ~ NOTICES --------------------------------------------------- [3Ntcs]
i - Conclusion ........................................ [3iaaa]
ii - Version History ................................... [3iiaa]
iii - E-mail Policy ..................................... [3iiia]
iv - Disclaimer ........................................ [3ivaa]
v - Credits ........................................... [3vaaa]
| ** CHAPTER 1 ~ PREFACE ** [1Prfc] |
| i - Introduction | [1iaaa] |
Well, this would be my first full out code guide. It is the amalgamation of
codes hacked by others (and to an extent, myself). These are all independent,
unsubmitted fan-created codes, and they are NOT listed or endorsed officially
on any websites (like cmgsccc or codejunkies for example). Please note that I
have edited many of them for practicality and ease of use, so they're not all
exactly as the hackers had posted them.
Now, please enjoy my extensive guide which I consider to be stalwart...or
| i - Master/Enable Codes & Converting Codes/Digits | [2iaaa] |
NOTE: All the codes in this guide are in RAW format, and will already work with
the Master (M) code that correspond to the type and version of your
hacking device. The (M) code you enter should always be the first code at
the top of your code list. *YOU CANNOT MIX RAW CODES WITH ENCRYPTED ONES!!
So don't use the ones at, or their Day1 files, they are
encrypted!! But if you insist, make a separate game entry on the list
just for those!
Alright, without further ado, here are the Master/Enable/Must-Be-On codes.
Again, use the one that correspond to the type and version of your hacking
(M)CB6+/GS2 V3+/XP4+ \
90106210 0C04182C \
(M)CB1-5 \
(M)AR2/GS2 V2 /
0E3C7DF2 1456E7A5 /
F010FBD8 0010FBDB /
NOTE: To have codes in ARMAX format, you need to convert them. To convert
codes from all the Raw ones in this guide, just use Max Convert, which
you can download for free here:
You'll need an extractor program like WinRAR to unzip it from its .rar
file, so if you don't have something capable of that, you can also
download one free here:
* To get you started, here is the Master Code for ARMAX:
(M)Action Replay MAX
* To convert codes to ARMAX, first set the Input to ARMAX, then paste the ARMAX
Master code into the Input and hit convert. This will provide a game ID (for
TotA it's 09B6). Now clear the Input, set it to Raw, and then set the Output
to ARMAX. Now you can paste any Raw codes from the main guide into the Input
section and convert them to ARMAX codes. (Also watch for trailing spaces if
you cut and paste!)
On a different note, how to convert raw digits (A MUST-KNOW):
* If you want to know about editing numerical xx or yy values (i.e. Str/Mag/
Level/# of enemies defeated), I'll tell you about that now; you can use your
computer's calculator to convert DEC (decimals) to HEX (Hexadecimals, those
values of letters and numbers). You'll see these options in Scientific mode.
Enter the value you want, then click "HEX". There, it's now converted.
(i.e. 999 = 03E7, 9999 = 270F, 65535 = FFFF). Here's a better example:
Luke's # of Enemies Defeated
206D4A28 xxxxxxxx
Say you want Luke to have 9999 kills. Enter it as DEC in the Calculator, click
the HEX button, and it becomes 270F. Enter that into xxxxxxxx, so your code
now is:
206D4A28 0000270F
9999 (270F) is the normal limit, so any value above that is reaaaally cheating.
But if you wanted to...
206D4A28 05F5E0FF (99,999,999 kills)
Go ahead, use a Mystic Arte and marvel at the disgusting amount of pwnage ^_^
| ii - Codes by Skandulous | [2iiaa] |
So much credit goes to Skandulous for porting such an overwhelming amount of
codes for this game. The first two sets of codes are for rather advanced code
users, but everything else is all good. Enjoy.
7MB Dump Code
20112F78 3C030010
20112F7C 3C0500x0
7 = 7MB (Fits a standard memory card)
F = 15MB
The code above corrupts the savefile into a massive file for transferring to
your computer via flashdrive. It's used by hackers to make codes...Just ignore
this one :)
Joker Pad1
D0617382 0000xxxx
Joker Pad2
D0617482 0000xxxx
Joker Pad3
D0617582 0000xxxx
Joker Pad4
D0617682 0000xxxx
Joker Quantity Digits:
F7FF = R1
EFFF = Triangle
DFFF = Circle
7FFF = Square
FFFE = Select
FFF7 = Start
FFEF = Right
FFBF = Down
FF7F = Left
For an explanation on Jokers, and how to make good use of these handy little
things, go here:
Max Gald
206D2C10 0098967F
Max Grade
2070F91C 0098967F
No Encounters
D0617382 0000FEFD L2+L3 = On
2024C870 12520048
D0617382 0000FDFD R2+L3 = Off
2024C870 10400048
Super Speed Press R1 (doesn't work in battle)
2021C7D0 00000000
D0617382 0000F7FF
2021C7DC 3C024080
D0617382 0010F7FF
2021C7DC 3C023FA6
Always Zero Playtime
206D2C14 00000000
206D2C18 00000000
Infinite Item Use (out of battle)
20354E68 24060000
203557B4 24060000
Have All Items (x15 of EVERYTHING, including key items).
406D2C40 008C0001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
This will lock out the Nebilim quest, so don't use it unless you have all the
catalysts already. *Only use this code by itself, and no other item x15, x20,
x98, or x99 code.
Master The Recipe You Cook
20300CC8 00000000
Master an Arte when used (gets 999 uses)
20289CC4 10000003
Master FS Chamber
20375E6C 1000000A
20375E70 24020064
Equip a chamber in a slot and switch it to max it out
C.Core and FS Chamber Usage Enabled From The Start
2034C784 10000054
2034C7AC 00000000
2035C5FC 00000000
203766EC 00000000
(Not saveable. Always must be on until both are normally made available
Autopilot Enabled on World Map
2039A9F0 00000000
2039AA24 00000000
2039AA34 00000000
2039AD8C 00000000
2039ADDC 00000000
2039ADFC 00000000
2039AE0C 00000000
2039B194 00000000
2039B1D0 00000000
2039B1E0 00000000
(Usage in towns/dungeons will freeze the game. Use only on the world map).
Record Stat Codes
Max # of Hits
206D49CC 0098967F
Max Damage
206D49C8 0098967F
Max Most Gald
206D49A4 05F5E0FF
Max Total Encounters
206D49B8 0098967F
Max Total Damage Given
206D49D4 05F5E0FF
No Total Damage Taken
206D49D8 00000000
Total Time Played (00:00:00)
206D49A8 00000000
206D49AC 00000000
C.Core Modifiers
106D2F80 000000xx
106D32D0 000000xx
106D3620 000000xx
106D3970 000000xx
106D3CC0 000000xx
106D4010 000000xx
106D4360 000000xx
Everyone has the same C.Core equipped modifier
406D2F80 000700D4
000000xx 00000000
C.Core Digits (for xx):
5C = Stre 66 = Scild Forte 70 = Strecido
5D = Nocer 67 = Esprit Forte 71 = Nocercido
5E = Alca 68 = Balla Forte 72 = Ballacido
5F = Nocere 69 = Alca Forte 73 = Lebhaft
60 = Scild 6A = Stre Maggiore 74 = Scildecido
61 = Esprit 6B = Nocer Maggiore 75 = Parlanto
62 = Styl 6C = Scild Maggiore 76 = Largamente
63 = Nobile 6D = Alca Maggiore 77 = Lunatito
64 = Stre Forte 6E = Balla Maggiore 78 = Grandioz
65 = Nocer Forte 6F = Marcato 79 = Tutti
00 = -Nothing-
Level Modifiers
106D2F00 000000xx
106D3250 000000xx
106D35A0 000000xx
106D38F0 000000xx
106D3C40 000000xx
106D3F90 000000xx
106D42E0 000000xx
(Example values)
Useless codes, IMO, since they won't bring up your stats or anything.
Always Max Overlimit Gauge
106D3210 000003E8
106D3560 000003E8
106D38B0 000003E8
106D3C00 000003E8
106D3F50 000003E8
106D42A0 000003E8
106D45F0 000003E8
Luke Codes
Infinite HP
206D2F0C 0000270F
Max HP
206D2F54 0000270F
Infinite TP
206D2F10 000003E7
Max TP
206D2F58 000003E7
Max Physical Attack
206D2F5C 0000270F
Max Physical Defense
206D2F64 0000270F
Max Fonic Attack
206D2F60 0000270F
Max Fonic Defense
206D2F68 0000270F
Max Agility
206D2F6C 0000270F
Max Luck
206D2F70 0000270F
Quick Level Up (Experience Modifier)
206D2F08 xxxxxxxx
(0098967F for Max Level/Exp)
NOTE: Aside from experience levels, stat codes are NOT saveable.
Tear Codes
Infinite HP
206D325C 0000270F
Max HP
206D32A4 0000270F
Infinite TP
206D3260 000003E7
Max TP
206D32A8 000003E7
Max Physical Attack
206D32AC 0000270F
Max Physical Defense
206D32B4 0000270F
Max Fonic Attack
206D32B0 0000270F
Max Fonic Defense
206D32B8 0000270F
Max Agility
206D32BC 0000270F
Max Luck
206D32C0 0000270F
Quick Level Up (Experience Modifier)
206D3258 xxxxxxxx
(0098967F for Max Level/Exp)
NOTE: Aside from experience levels, stat codes are NOT saveable.
Jade Codes
Infinite HP
206D35AC 0000270F
Max HP
206D35C4 0000270F
Infinite TP
206D35B0 000003E7
Max TP
206D35C8 000003E7
Max Physical Attack
206D35CC 0000270F
Max Physical Defense
206D35D4 0000270F
Max Fonic Attack
206D35D0 0000270F
Max Fonic Defense
206D35D8 0000270F
Max Agility
206D35DC 0000270F
Max Luck
206D35E0 0000270F
Quick Level Up (Experience Modifier)
206D35A8 xxxxxxxx
(0098967F for Max Level/Exp)
NOTE: Aside from experience levels, stat codes are NOT saveable.
Anise Codes
Infinite HP
206D38FC 0000270F
Max HP
206D3944 0000270F
Infinite TP
206D3900 000003E7
Max TP
206D3948 000003E7
Max Physical Attack
206D394C 0000270F
Max Physical Defense
206D3954 0000270F
Max Fonic Attack
206D3950 0000270F
Max Fonic Defense
206D3958 0000270F
Max Agility
206D395C 0000270F
Max Luck
206D3960 0000270F
Quick Level Up (Experience Modifier)
206D38F8 xxxxxxxx
(0098967F for Max Level/Exp)
NOTE: Aside from experience levels, stat codes are NOT saveable.
Guy Codes
Infinite HP
206D3C4C 0000270F
Max HP
206D3C94 0000270F
Infinite TP
206D3C50 000003E7
Max TP
206D3C98 000003E7
Max Physical Attack
206D3C9C 0000270F
Max Physical Defense
206D3CA4 0000270F
Max Fonic Attack
206D3CA0 0000270F
Max Fonic Defense
206D3CA8 0000270F
Max Agility
206D3CAC 0000270F
Max Luck
206D3CB0 0000270F
Quick Level Up (Experience Modifier)
206D3C48 xxxxxxxx
(0098967F for Max Level/Exp)
NOTE: Aside from experience levels, stat codes are NOT saveable.
Natalia Codes
Infinite HP
206D3F9C 0000270F
Max HP
206D3FE4 0000270F
Infinite TP
206D3FA0 000003E7
Max TP
206D3FE8 000003E7
Max Physical Attack
206D3FEC 0000270F
Max Physical Defense
206D3FF4 0000270F
Max Fonic Attack
206D3FF0 0000270F
Max Fonic Defense
206D3FF8 0000270F
Max Agility
206D3FFC 0000270F
Max Luck
206D4000 0000270F
Quick Level Up (Experience Modifier)
206D3F98 xxxxxxxx
(0098967F for Max Level/Exp)
NOTE: Aside from experience levels, stat codes are NOT saveable.
Asch Codes
Infinite HP
206D42EC 0000270F
Max HP
206D4334 0000270F
Infinite TP
206D42F0 000003E7
Max TP
206D4338 000003E7
Max Physical Attack
206D433C 0000270F
Max Physical Defense
206D4344 0000270F
Max Fonic Attack
206D4340 0000270F
Max Fonic Defense
206D4348 0000270F
Max Agility
206D434C 0000270F
Max Luck
206D4350 0000270F
Quick Level Up (Experience Modifier)
206D42E8 xxxxxxxx
(0098967F for Max Level/Exp)
NOTE: Aside from experience levels, stat codes are NOT saveable.
C-Core Stat Bonus Modifiers
Luke xxxx/yyyy
206D2F84 xxxxyyyy F.ATK/P.ATK
206D2F88 xxxxyyyy F.DEF/P.DEF
206D2F8C xxxxyyyy AGL/ENH
206D32D4 xxxxyyyy F.ATK/P.ATK
206D32D8 xxxxyyyy F.DEF/P.DEF
206D32DC xxxxyyyy AGL/ENH
206D3624 xxxxyyyy F.ATK/P.ATK
206D3628 xxxxyyyy F.DEF/P.DEF
206D362C xxxxyyyy AGL/ENH
206D3974 xxxxyyyy F.ATK/P.ATK
206D3978 xxxxyyyy F.DEF/P.DEF
206D397C xxxxyyyy AGL/ENH
206D3CC4 xxxxyyyy F.ATK/P.ATK
206D3CC8 xxxxyyyy F.DEF/P.DEF
206D3CCC xxxxyyyy AGL/ENH
206D4014 xxxxyyyy F.ATK/P.ATK
206D4018 xxxxyyyy F.DEF/P.DEF
206D401C xxxxyyyy AGL/ENH
206D4364 xxxxyyyy F.ATK/P.ATK
206D4368 xxxxyyyy F.DEF/P.DEF
206D436C xxxxyyyy AGL/ENH
106D4364 0000xxxx P.ATK
106D4366 0000xxxx F.ATK
106D4368 0000xxxx P.DEF
106D436A 0000xxxx F.DEF
106D436C 0000xxxx ENH
106D436D 0000xxxx AGL
(270F is abnormally high, use 03E7 (999); you may have to equip/unequip
something for the codes to take proper effect). These stats ARE saveable.
NOTE: Condensed codes affecting all the characters don't convert properly for
ARMAX, so you have to use the individual ones, like those above.
All Characters Condensed Codes
Inf Hp
406D2F0C 000700D4
0000270F 00000000
406D2F14 000700D4
0000270F 00000000
406D2F54 000700D4
0000270F 00000000
Inf Tp
406D2F10 000700D4
000003E7 00000000
406D2F18 000700D4
000003E7 00000000
406D2F58 000700D4
000003E7 00000000
Max Physical Attack
406D2F5C 000700D4
0000270F 00000000
Max Fonic Attack
406D2F60 000700D4
0000270F 00000000
Max Physical Defense
406D2F64 000700D4
0000270F 00000000
Max Fonic Defense
406D2F68 000700D4
0000270F 00000000
Max Agility
406D2F6C 000700D4
0000270F 00000000
Max Luck
406D2F70 000700D4
0000270F 00000000
Quick Level Up (Experience Modifier)
406D2F08 000700D4
xxxxxxxx 00000000
(0098967F for Max Level/Exp)
(Use lower values like ~0000FFFF if you don't want to level too high)
Level Modifier
406D2F00 000700D4
000000xx 00000000
(C8 = 200)
Always Max Overlimit Gauge
406D3210 000700D4
000003E8 00000000
All Max C.Core Status Bonuses (Untested)
406D2F84 000700D4
03E703E7 00000000
406D2F88 000700D4
03E703E7 00000000
406D2F8C 000700D4
03E703E7 00000000
| iii - Codes by Rangle | [2iiia] |
All the following codes were made by Rangle, except the one for Asch. I had to
do that one.
All titles
206D2F04 003FFFFE
206D3254 0003FFFE
206D35A4 0000FFFE
206D38F4 0000FFFE
206D3C44 0003FFFE
206D3F94 00007FFE
206D42E4 00000006 (Untested)
| iv - Codes by Krispies | [2ivaa] |
All the following codes were ported by Krispies.
Save Anywhere
2034C83C 1000002B
Character Party Modifiers
006D2EC0 000000xx -- On-Screen Character
006D2EC1 000000xx -- Character 1
006D2EC2 000000xx -- Character 2
006D2EC3 000000xx -- Character 3
006D2EC4 000000xx -- Character 4
006D2EC5 000000xx -- Character 5
006D2EC6 000000xx -- Character 6
(Shorter Version)
206D2EC0 wwvvuu??
206D2EC4 00zzyyxx
uu = Character 1
vv = Character 2
ww = Character 3
xx = Character 4
yy = Character 5
zz = Character 6
?? = On-Screen Character
Character Digits
00 = Empty
01 = Luke
02 = Tear
03 = Jade
04 = Anise
05 = Guy
06 = Natalia
07 = Asch
This code is my baby...For those who want to be able to switch characters
around at will in Slot 1 with Joker commands, just press the corresponding
button combination:
Character Modifier Slot 1 (Joker'd)
D0617382 0000F2FF -- Luke (L1+R1 +L2)
006D2EC1 00000001
D0617382 0000F1FF -- Tear (L1+R1 +R2)
006D2EC1 00000002
D0617382 000073FF -- Jade (L1+R1 +Square)
006D2EC1 00000003
D0617382 0000B3FF -- Anise (L1+R1 +X)
006D2EC1 00000004
D0617382 0000D3FF -- Guy (L1+R1 +O)
006D2EC1 00000005
D0617382 0000F3FE -- Natalia (L1+R1 +Select)
006D2EC1 00000006
D0617382 0000F3F7 -- Asch (L1+R1 +Start)
006D2EC1 00000007
All Artes Unlocked
206D2F9C FFFFFFFF -- Luke
206D32EC FFFFFFFF -- Tear
206D363C FFFFFFFF -- Jade
206D398C FFFFFFFF -- Anise
206D3CDC FFFFF7FF -- Guy
206D402C FFFFFF7F -- Natalia
206D437C FFFFFFFF -- Asch
* Natalia gets 1 new usable (beta) Arcane Arte, "Chronos Raid"
* Tear gets 1 new usable (yet useless) Fonic Arte, "Grand Fonic Hymn"
# of Enemies Defeated
206D4A28 xxxxxxxx
206D4A2C xxxxxxxx
206D4A30 xxxxxxxx
206D4A34 xxxxxxxx
206D4A38 xxxxxxxx
206D4A3C xxxxxxxx
206D4A40 xxxxxxxx
Number of Enemies Defeated (Condensed for all Characters)
406D4A28 00070001
xxxxxxxx 00000000
xxxx = # of enemies
000005DC = 1500
00000BB8 = 3000
00001388 = 5000
0000270F = 9999 (Normal Limit)
05F5E0FF = 99,999,999
Catalyst Weapons Awakened in Battle
D064B8AC 00005355
20668668 00000000
***Increase Power of Catalysts With
Number of Enemies Defeated Code
Infinite Items in Battle
D068739A 00002406
20687398 20060000
Zero Escape Time
D064B8AC 00005355
2068E188 00000000
Super Combo Plus
D064B8AC 00005355
2065DF60 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2065DF78 00000000
Unlimited X-Buster
D064B8AC 00005355
2069BBA0 17E00018
Low-Level FOF Change
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AF88 24020001
D064B8AC 00005355
2067B968 00000000
Mystic Artes OVL
Restriction Disabled
D064B8AC 00005355
2069BC9C 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2069BDD0 00000000
***Enable Before Haircut Event
D064B8AC 00005355
Lost Fon Drive
Character limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AD28 00000000
Equipment limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AD94 00000000
Clear frequency limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069ADA0 00000000
HP limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069ADB4 00000000
Use frequency limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069ADCC 00000000
OVL limitation release (Doesn't work for me...But the right address is close,
D064B8AC 00005355 so if anyone can find it with a little trial & error,
2069ADDC 00000000 please let me know)
Fortune's Arc
Clear frequency limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069ABDC 00000000
Use frequency limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069ABF0 00000000
OVL limitation release (Remove if you want to use Judgment)
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AC00 00000000
Arte and technique count limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AC18 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AC30 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AC48 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AC60 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AC78 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AC90 00000000
***Hold Down R2 to Activate Anytime
D064B8AC 00005355
20664488 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
20664460 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
20664450 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2066443C 00000000
Fever Time
***Also Gain 20,000 Gald When Used
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AB0C 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AAF4 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AB18 8C4103B0
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AB1C 24214E20
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AB20 AC4103B0
D064B8AC 00005355 <--- OVL Restriction Disabler
2069AAE0 00000000 <--- Remove If You Want to Use Lucky
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AAD0 00000000
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AABC 00000000
Dying Moon
D064B8AC 00005355
206B671C 00000000
Brilliant Overlord
Equipment limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069A99C 00000000
Clear limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069A9D4 00000000
HP limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069AA00 00000000
OVL Restriction Disabler (Remove If You Want to Use Final Cross)
D064B8AC 00005355
2069A9C0 00000000
Technique count limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069A9EC 00000000
Noble Roar
Equipment limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069A8C4 00000000
Clear limitation release
D064B8AC 00005355
2069A8D8 00000000
OVL Restriction Disabler (Remove If You Want to Use Piercing Line)
D064B8AC 00005355
2069A8B0 00000000
Battle BGM Modifier
DO64B8AC 00005355
206AD4FC 240400xx
01 Abyss
02 New world
03 Qliphoth
04 Guilt, Duty and ...
05 The Last Chapter
07 Wedge
08 Wings of Hope
09 A Place to Relaxe
0A The Royal City of Light
0B The Grocer's Village
0C The Fortified City
0D The Frontier Fortress
0F The Distribution Base
10 Desert Oasis
11 The Mining Town
12 The City of Watchers
14 Port Town
15 The Floating Imperial City
16 The City of Craftsmen
17 The Silvery Snowland
18 The City of Fontech
19 The Hidden Village
1A The Ruined City
1E Nature's Dungeon
20 Cheagle Woods
21 Tartaros
22 Fubras River
23 Coral Castle
24 Katsbert Ferry
25 Abandoned Factory
26 Zao Ruins
28 Deo Pass
29 Akzeruth Mine Shaft 14
2B Ortion Cavern
2C Aramis Flooded Caverns
2D Oracle Headquarters
2E Theor Forest
32 Shurrey Hills
34 Mt. Roneal
36 Farthest Place - Glint
37 Zaleho Volcano
38 Crimson Pride
39 Feres Island
3A Sheaf of Souls
3B Farthest Place
3C Farthest Place - Sign
3D Farthest Place - Threat
3E The Glorious Land
3F Mushroom Road
40 Dammed Up
41 The Sign of Darkness
42 Van
43 Van - Truth
44 Oracle - Coercion
45 Oracle - Sorrow
46 Oracle - Conspiracy
49 Mirrors
4A Belief
4B Pleasantness
4C Guidepost
4E Confrontation
4F Wish and Sadness
50 Crisis
51 Serious
52 Miserable Spectacle
53 Scramble
54 Happiness In My Hand
56 The Frequenter
57 An Arrow is Shot
58 On Edge of a Decision
59 Never Surrender
5A Bloodthirsty Fang
5B Awkward Justice
5C Meaning of Birth
5D Time for Farewell
5E A Place In The Sun
5F Finish The Promise
60 Eternal Mind
61 Everlasting Fight
62 Time To Raise The Cross
63 Wandering Relic
64 Comical Dungeon
65 Comical Dungeon
66 Comical Dungeon
67 Arena
68 Comical Dungeon
69 Kingdom of Sky
6A Kingdom of Sky: Chaos
6C The Lorelei Order's Base
6D Blue Royal Palace
70 Casino
73 Mini Game Theme
74 Victory!
75 Game Over
76 Tales of DB Game Over
77 Tales of DB Theme
78 Tales of DB Guarder
79 Tales of DB Ending
7D Dragon Buster Game Over
7E Dragon Buster Theme
7F Dragon Buster Guardian
80 Dragon Buster Ending
| v - Codes by lee4 | [2vaaa] |
The following code was ported by lee4. Translations courtesy of me.
Luke: Hair Length Modifier
D0617382 0000F3BF -- Luke has long hair (L1+R1+Down)
006D29B2 00000080
D0617382 0000F3DF -- Luke has short hair (L1+R1+Up)
006D29B2 000000A0
Enemy Modifier
202AB67C 240200xx
01 Axe Beak & ?? (Tutorial?)
10 Dekagoblin, Chugoblin, Kogoblin x2
11 Otaota x4
12 ("Kakashi"?) (Eldrant)
13 ("Kakashi"?) (Eldrant)
14 Van (Tutorial)
15 Saissasu
16 Puchipuri x2 (Tutorial)
17 Liger Queen
18 Oracle Knight
19 Oracle Knight x3
1A FOF Tutorial
1B Broken Chair & Broken Goyle (Surprise Attack)
1C Arietta & Liger & Hresvelgr
1D Oracle Knight x3
1E Kaiser Dist R
1F Abaddon
20 Sync & Largo
21 Legretta (1)
22 Asch (1)
23 Ancylopolyp
24 Kaiser Dist RX
25 Blade Rex
26 Kimlasca Knight
27 Tyrannopion
28 Uniceros
29 High Oracle Knight & Oracle Knight x2
2A Sync (2)
2B Repair Fonbot
2C Legretta & Arietta & Largo
2D Van (1)
2E Fyr Bronc
2F Arietta & Liger & Hresvelgr
30 Kaiser Dist XX
31 Largo (3)
32 Gigant Mohs
33 Legretta (3)
34 Asch (2)
35 Sync (3)
36 Van (2)
37 Van (3)
38 Replicantis
39 Replicantis
3A Nebilim
3B Reid, Nanaly, Phillia & Mint
3C ??? ("Kakashi"?) (Eldrant)
3D Sword Dancer (1)
3E Sword Dancer (2)
3F Sword Dancer (3)
40 Sand Worm
41 Behemoth
42 Behemoth
43 Replica Sync, Replica Arietta, Replica Largo, Replica Legretta
44 ("Kakashi"?) (Eldrant)
C0 Rock Spirit x3
D0 ("Kakashi"?) (Eldrant)
F0 ("Kakashi"?) (Eldrant)
FF ("Kakashi"?) (Eldrant)
Now here's a little something I put together...
Enemy Modifier (Joker'd)
D0617382 0000FBFF -- L1
202AB67C 240200xx
D0617382 0000FFF7 -- Start
202AB67C 240200xx
D0617382 0000FEFF -- L2
202AB67C 240200xx
D0617382 0000FBF7 -- L1+Start
202AB67C 240200xx
D0617382 0000FAFF -- L1+L2
202AB67C 240200xx
D0617382 0000FEF7 -- Start+L2
202AB67C 240200xx
D0617382 0000FAF7 -- L1+Start+L2
202AB67C 240200xx
(Hold down the button(s) for the enemy you want as you change screens (area),
and run into an enemy in your current area).
My current setup:
L1 - 31 - Largo (3)
Start - 33 - Legretta (3)
L2 - 34 - Asch (2)
L1+Start - 35 - Sync (3)
L1+L2 - 3A - Nebilim
Start+L2 - 3B - Reid, Nanaly, Phillia & Mint
L1+Start+L2 - 43 - Replica Sync, Replica Arietta, Replica Largo, Replica Legretta
| vi - Codes by Chaos Grimoire | [2viaa] |
The following codes were sorted by Chaos Grimoire.
NOTE: 0F = 15 of each item, or you can change these 0F values to 14 if you want
to have 20 of each item (for if you're on a 2nd playthrough).
All Tools (x15) (Gummies/Herbs)
406D2C40 000A0001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
106D2C68 00000F0F
All Food Items (x15)
006D2C73 0000000F
406D2C74 00090001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
106D2C98 00000F0F
006D2C9A 0000000F
All Cores (x1, since you can only use 1 of each core)
006D2C9B 00000001
406D2C9C 00070001
01010101 00000000
006D2CB8 00000001(Tutti Core)
All FS Chambers (x98)
006D2CB9 00000062
106D2CBA 00006262
006D2CBC 00000062
All Trade Goods (x15)
006D2CBD 0000000F
106D2CBE 00000F0F
406D2CC0 000F0001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
006D2CFC 0000000F
All Doll Accessories (x15)
406D2D84 001A0001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
All Armor (x15)
406D2D90 001A0001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
006D2DF8 0000000F
All Accesories (x15)
006D2DF9 0000000F
106D2DFA 00000F0F
406D2DFC 001D0001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
All Weapons (x15, Safe, as it omits the Catalyst weapons/key items)
006D2CFD 0000000F
106D2CFE 00000F0F
406D2D00 00080001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
106D2D20 00000F0F
006D2D22 0000000F
006D2D25 0000000F
406D2D28 00070001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
106D2D44 00000F0F
406D2D48 00070001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
106D2D64 00000F0F
006D2D66 0000000F
406D2D68 00060001
0F0F0F0F 00000000
106D2D80 00000F0F
006D2D82 0000000F
106D2E52 00000F0F <- Adds Key of Lorelei and Jewel of Gardios (Untested)
Equipment Modifier Codes
NOTE: Will freeze the game for some people if they have more than 3 of these on
at a time.
Weap: 106D2F78 0000xxxx
Body: 106D2F7A 0000xxxx
Hand: 106D2F7C 0000xxxx
Other: 106D2F7E 0000xxxx
Weap: 106D32C8 0000xxxx
Body: 106D32CA 0000xxxx
Hand: 106D32CC 0000xxxx
Other: 106D32CE 0000xxxx
Weap: 106D3618 0000xxxx
Body: 106D361A 0000xxxx
Hand: 106D361C 0000xxxx
Other: 106D361E 0000xxxx
Weap: 106D3968 0000xxxx
Body: 106D396A 0000xxxx
Hand: 106D396C 0000xxxx
Other: 106D396E 0000xxxx
Weap: 106D3CB8 0000xxxx
Body: 106D3CBA 0000xxxx
Hand: 106D3CBC 0000xxxx
Other: 106D3CBE 0000xxxx
Weap: 106D4008 0000xxxx
Body: 106D400A 0000xxxx
Hand: 106D400C 0000xxxx
Other: 106D400E 0000xxxx
Weap: 106D4358 0000xxxx
Body: 106D435A 0000xxxx
Hand: 106D435C 0000xxxx
Other: 106D435E 0000xxxx
The item can be added to your inventory by unequipping, then exit+re-enter the
equipment screen to have a new one equipped.
xxxx Digits (* = Key Item)
00BE = Cutlass
00BF = Long Sword
00C0 = Rapier
00C1 = Broad Sword
00C2 = Scimitar
00C3 = Steel Sword
00C4 = Nimble Rapier
00C5 = Great Sword
00C6 = Falx
00C7 = Silver Sword
00C8 = Wasier Rapier
00C9 = ******* Sword
00CA = Talwar
00CB = Knight Fencer
00CC = Epee
00CD = Killer Sword
00CE = Katana
00CF = Mythril Sword
00D0 = Imperial Guard
00D1 = Mighty Saber
00D2 = Hauteclere
00D3 = Schwarzloewe
00D4 = Holy Judgement
00D5 = Dragon Killer
00D6 = Shakunage
00D7 = Soul Crush
00D8 = Full Metal Edge
00D9 = Celcius Calibur
00DA = Maestro Sword (Cannot be unequipped)
00DB = Flamberge
00DC = Vorpal Sword
00DD = Last Fencer
00DE = Swordian Dymlos
00DF = Ultimatus
00E0 = Table Knife
00E1 = Wooden Sword
00E2 = Fonic Sword
00E3 = Fonic Blade
00E4 = Nebilim*
00E5 = Lost Celesti*
00E6 = Blade
00E7 = Key of Lorelei*
00E8 = Jewel of Gardios*
00E9 = Wand
00EA = Rod
00EB = Mace
00EC = Magic Wand
00ED = Cane
00EE = Gothic Mace
00EF = Ruby Wand
00F0 = Silver Rod
00F1 = Sword Mace
00F2 = Knight Mace
00F3 = Mystic Rod
00F4 = Killer Mace
00F5 = Arc Wand
00F6 = Mythril Rod
00F7 = Arc Scepter
00F8 = Schwarzvogel
00F9 = Kreuzzeichan
00FA = Holy Cross
00FB = Lollipop
00FC = Shakujo
00FD = Wizard Cane
00FE = Grand Cross
00FF = Genius Wand
0100 = Star Rod
0101 = Hanuman’s Staff
0102 = Blue Crystal Rod
0103 = Spoon
0104 = Broom
0105 = Fonic Rod
0106 = Fonic Mace
0107 = Heart of Chaos*
0108 = Unicorn Horn*
0109 = Spear
010A = Glaive
010B = Guisarme
010C = Corsesca
010D = Scythe
010E = Halberd
010F = Partisan
0110 = Bardiche
0111 = Heavy Halberd
0112 = Trident
0113 = Crescent
0114 = Battle Axe
0115 = Mythril Lance
0116 = Papillon
0117 = War Hammer
0118 = Do Sanga
0119 = Penetrator
011A = Bahamut’s Tear
011B = Efreet
011C = Undine
011D = Sylph
011E = Gnome
011F = Deck Brush
0120 = Dunamis
0121 = Diabolic Fang
0122 = Gae Bolg
0123 = Longinus
0124 = Gungnir
0125 = Fork
0126 = Pointer
0127 = Fonic Lance
0128 = Blood Pain*
0129 = Bow
012A = Custom Bow
012B = Self Bow
012C = Slash Arrow
012D = Composite Bow
012E = Rapid Bow
012F = Shincarrow
0130 = Killer Bow
0131 = Hamayumi
0132 = Hunting Bow
0133 = Battle Bow
0134 = Merciless Bow
0135 = Clay Arrow
0136 = Cators Bow
0137 = Steel Bow
0138 = Full Metal Fang
0139 = Anclent Bow (typo for Ancient Bow)
013A = Ether Slash
013B = Strike Eagle
013C = Great Bow
013D = Yutis
013E = Soul Steal
013F = Celestial Star
0140 = Elven Bow
0141 = Shooting Star
0142 = Angel Arrow
0143 = Fonic Arrow
0144 = Holy Quelquatl*
Doll Accessories
0145 = Wonder Doll
0146 = HeiHachi (Stone Head and Demon Breath)
0147 = Artificial Life Form (X-Buster)
0148 = Warrior Maiden
0149 = Time Traveling Hero
014A = Priestess (Inspect Eye)
014B = Great Pirate (Pow Hammer)
014C = Time Traveling Girl (Resurrection)
014D = Empty Girl (Beast)
014E = Rare Genius (Divine Saber)
014F = The Prince
0150 = Ant Lion Man
Armor (Body)
0151 = Haute Couture
0152 = Leather Mail
0153 = Iron Mail
0154 = Chain Mail
0155 = Splint Mail
0156 = Breastplate
0157 = Silver Mail
0158 = Silver Plate
0159 = Battlesuit
015A = Light Plate
015B = Knight Armor
015C = Full Plate
015D = Mythril Mail
015E = Mythril Plate
015F = Rare Mail
0160 = Rare Plate
0161 = Brigandine
0162 = Fonic Mail
0163 = Golden Armor
0164 = Reflex
0165 = Mumbane
Armor (Guard)
0166 = Leather Guard
0167 = Iron Guard
0168 = Chain Guard
0169 = Scale Guard
016A = Breast Guard
016B = Silver Guard
016C = Half Guard
016D = Battle Guard
016E = Light Guard
016F = Knight Guard
0170 = Royal Guard
0171 = Mythril Guard
0172 = Mighty Guard
0173 = Rare Guard
0174 = Rare Protector
0175 = Princess Guard
0176 = Fonic Guard
0177 = Lunar Guard
0178 = Solar Guard
0179 = Prism Protector
017A = Cloak
017B = White Cloak
017C = Silk Cloak
017D = Feather Cloak
017E = Magic Cloak
017F = Silver Cloak
0180 = Mystic Cloak
0181 = Mage Cloak
0182 = Mirage Cloak
0183 = Knight Cloak
0184 = Druid Cloak
0185 = Mythril Cloak
0186 = Elder Cloak
0187 = Reflection Cloak
0188 = Fonic Cloak
0189 = Queen Cloak
018A = Robe
018B = White Robe
018C = Silk Robe
018D = Feather Robe
018E = Carnelian Robe
018F = Silver Robe
0190 = Misty Robe
0191 = Cerulean Robe
0192 = Mirage Robe
0193 = Knight Robe
0194 = Amber Robe
0195 = Mythril Robe
0196 = Elder Robe
0197 = Viridian Robe
0198 = Fonic Robe
0199 = Maestro Robe (Cannot be unequipped)
019A = Bracelet
019B = Bronze Bracelet
019C = Iron Bracelet
019D = Lapis Bracelet
019E = Steel Bracelet
019F = Silver Bracelet
01A0 = Gold Bracelet
01A1 = Platinum Bracelet
01A2 = Diamond Bracelet
01A3 = Knight Bracelet
01A4 = Mythril Bracelet
01A5 = Rare Barcelet
01A6 = Angel Bracelet
01A7 = Draupnir
01A8 = Fonic Bracelet
01A9 = Kaiser Bracelet
01AA = Gloves
01AB = White Gloves
01AC = Silk Gloves
01AD = Feather Gloves
01AE = Archery Gloves
01AF = Silver Gloves
01B0 = Mystic Gloves
01B1 = Iron Guantlets
01B2 = Mirage Gloves
01B3 = Knight Gloves
01B4 = Snow Mittens
01B5 = Mythril Guantlets
01B6 = Elder Gloves
01B7 = Queen Gloves
01B8 = Fonic Gloves
01B9 = Kitchen Mittens
01BA = Leather Helm
01BB = Iron Helm
01BC = Armet Helm
01BD = Steel Helm
01BE = Silver Helm
01BF = Cross Helm
01C0 = Knight Helm
01C1 = Duel Helm
01C2 = Mythril Helm
01C3 = Rare Helm
01C4 = Fonic Helm
01C5 = Golden Helm
01C6 = Alice Band
01C7 = Bronze Circlet
01C8 = Iron Circlet
01C9 = Steel Circlet
01CA = Silver Circlet
01CB = Gold Circlet
01CC = Platinum Circlet
01CD = Knight Circlet
01CE = Mythril Circlet
01CF = Rare Circlet
01D0 = Fonic Crest
01D1 = Elemental Circlet
01D2 = Beret
01D3 = Straw Hat
01D4 = Pointed Hat
01D5 = Green Beret
01D6 = Silver Hat
01D7 = Hunting Cap
01D8 = Knight Hat
01D9 = Silk Hat
01DA = Cowboy Hat
01DB = Wizard Hat
01DC = Fonic Hat
01DD = Aifread’s Hat
01DE = Ribbon
01DF = Orange Ribbon
01E0 = Yellow Ribbon
01E1 = Green Ribbon
01E2 = Blue Ribbon
01E3 = Purple Ribbon
01E4 = Pretty Ribbon
01E5 = Tartan Ribbon
01E6 = Striped Ribbon
01E7 = Ancient Ribbon
01E8 = Magical Ribbon
01E9 = Elemental Ribbon
01EA = Poison Ward
01EB = Poison Charm
01EC = Paralysis Ward
01ED = Paralysis Charm
01EE = Stone Ward
01EF = Stone Charm
01F0 = Drain Ward
01F1 = Drain Charm
01F2 = Amulet
01F3 = Laurel
01F4 = Heal Bracelet
01F5 = Spirit Bangle
01F6 = Stun Bracelet
01F7 = Stun Talisman
01F8 = Tear’s Pendant
01F9 = World Charm
01FA = Sapphire Ring
01FB = Emerald Ring
01FC = Faerie Ring
01FD = Attack Ring
01FE = Defense Ring
01FF = Holy Ring
0200 = Spirit Ring
0201 = Protect Ring
0202 = Force Ring
0203 = Resist Ring
0204 = Reflect Ring
0205 = Effecti Ring
0206 = Fonic Mark
0207 = Fonic Symbol
0208 = Holy Symbol
0209 = Spirit Symbol
020A = Mystic Mark
020B = Mystic Symbol
020C = Strange Mark
020D = Wonder Symbol
020E = Dark Seal
020F = Demon’s Seal
0210 = Krona Symbol
0211 = Knight Symbol
0212 = Maestro Stone (Cannot be unequipped)
0213 = Jewel of Lorelei*
0214 = Cape
0215 = Leather Cape
0216 = Thief’s Cape
0217 = Elven Cape
0218 = Flare Cape
0219 = Aqua Cape
021A = Wind Cape
021B = Earth Cape
021C = Leather Boots
021D = Fine Boots
021E = Iron Boots
021F = Heavy Boots
0220 = Mythril Boots
0221 = Rare Boots
0222 = Persian Boots
0223 = Garnet
0224 = Aquamarine
0225 = Opal
0226 = Ruby
0227 = Black Onyx
0228 = Moonstone
0229 = Magic Mist
022A = Alexandrite
022B = Sephira
022C = Blue Sephira
022D = Dice
022E = Blue Dice
022F = Rebirth Doll
| ** CHAPTER 3 ~ NOTICES ** [3Ntcs] |
| i - Conclusion | [3iaaa] |
I hope you've enjoyed this guide, I certainly put a lot of work into it. One of
the major reasons I wrote this is because it's always great to open up new
possibilities for things.
Well, cheers.
~ Majutsuko
| ii - Version History | [3iiaa] |
|Version 1.4 // 12.22.2007 /
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|Added Luke's Hair Length Modifier code.
|Version 1.3 // 11.22.2007 /
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|Fixed a couple codes, and added some new ones.
|Version 1.2 // 09.10.2007 /
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|Fixed the Max Gald code, as well as the HP and Use Frequency restriction
|codes for LFD and Fortune's Arc. Added corrections to Natalia and Guy's All
|Artes codes, and gave Asch an All Titles code.
|Version 1.0 // 08.18.2007 /
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
|Finished writing and revising this awesome guide.
| iii - E-mail Policy | [3iiia] |
Any questions regarding any information that can already be found in this guide
will be ignored completely. Also note that I will not respond to any requests
for any codes apart from the ones mentioned in this guide. I do not want to be
asked about where you can find all the necessary system accessories/devices to
hack this game, nor do I want to receive any inquiries about material that is
irrelevant to this guide. If you are having trouble understanding a particular
section and have a valid question, that is fine, but I do not want to be
pestered for additional support on how to play this game.
If any material in this guide is incorrect, then please let me know so that I
can make the proper corrections. However, if anyone simply wants to send me
their thanks and compliments regarding my guide, I will be more than happy to
receive them, as you will make my day. Feedback and constructive criticisms
are also appreciated.
But, PLEASE DON'T ask me to convert codes for you...
In any case, be sure to provide an appropriate title as well so that I do not
overlook your letter as junkmail and delete it.
| iv - Disclaimer| [3ivaa] |
This guide is Copyright 2007 by me. All trademarks and copyrights contained in
this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal
private use. Putting this guide on any web site without my advance written
permission is prohibited and is a violation of copyright. Public distribution
of this guide without my permission is also prohibited and is a violation of
If you want to host my guide on your site, all you have to do is please ASK ME
POLITELY, as I'm quite prone to saying "yes" to good-mannered people. (If I've
already given you permission to post it but forgot to write you into my safe-
list, then please e-mail me again and I'll make the correction in my next
| v - Credits | [3vaaa] |
* Many thanks to all the hackers who helped make the codes for this game,
namely Skandulous, Chaos Grimoire, Krispies. I know I put my share of work
into making codes with them, but really they deserve all the credit.
* Many thanks to the original Japanese hackers who gave us a leg up on things.
I'd give them a little more credit but they chose to remain nameless.
If I forgot to credit anyone by name for anything at all in this guide please
let me know so I can put it here in my next update!
Copyright 2007
Copyright 2007
Majutsuko < THAT GUY!
I'd say thats stealing..... and not giving any credit.... -
Alright, renamed the file to GTASA1 (w/e) .b, i go to load it, and the game closes, what am I doin wrong?
Do I need to mod my Main.scm or something?