Recent Content by Jaybin

  1. Jaybin
    Marluxia? err sorry to say this but his one of the easy guys... Axel is a hard 1, that reminds me think ill go beat him now..
    oh and about terra, i aint fought him yet but im sure its better saved for another thread hehe


    P.S Final Mix Rox(As)!! ^_^
    Post by: Jaybin, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Jaybin

    That would be a directors cut.. which is pretty much final mix, what ur saying is right but what i mean is game wise FM+ is a new installment and as for story wise its not really.. as for SE being mean i know quite a few games that japan got the better of.
    anywayz with the sneak peak of CoMII/KH0 this is pretty much yesterdays news to quite a few of us now...
    Post by: Jaybin, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Jaybin
    I understand what your saying to the post above..
    but isnt it considered an installment when theres new cutscenes explaining alot more of the story then what we know? i know its not a new game but its a final mix, meaning things that you wished for in KH2 are now put into FM+.

    Now i've got FM+ and lemme tell ya it makes the original look like a babies toy..
    What makes kingdom hearts so great is the game play and storyline so for me this is more then a remix, its +100% storyline +1000% gameplay!
    Try it out for yourselves and you'll see what i mean..

    As for the PS3 thing i would have to say thats true, final mix is the last Kingdom Hearts game for the PS2 so better start saving heh.

    Post by: Jaybin, Sep 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX