all you need is a ps2, tv and game importer disc or something. like freeloader. oh yeah ur tv needs to support ntsc video settings. 60 hz. if not it'll play as black and white. trust me ive tried.
Hmm now is it just me, or is convincing someone to dump you, when you've had a really rough day, then the next day asking some guy (who is 2 years younger than you and still at school) out then placing the blame of the break up solely on you so that everyone dislikes you and so that you look like the bad guy a pretty lame thing to do?
Moaning at you for saying that you kind of like some other girl the same day she asked out the younger boy very ****ing hypocritical. Plus she knows you still love her but decides to completely disregard that and make you feel so ****ty.
im not really surprised the majority of people are only 14 here. but you should vote on how old you are not how old you are gonna be in a few months time lol girlfriend got me into it lol. well i suppose you can call that original. but it kinda seduced me after i played it alot and now im addicted lol