Recent Content by jabajaba

  1. jabajaba
    can't download the 13th antology!
    Post by: jabajaba, Mar 29, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. jabajaba
    does anyone have a "MAX HP" code for final mix?
    Post by: jabajaba, Jun 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. jabajaba
    It worked
    codebreaker users... just input the raw codes using ARv1, output CB, game region japan and game Id - "0001"
    it worked for me
    Post by: jabajaba, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. jabajaba
    ok, i'll try
    just to make it clear

    input - AR2v1/GS2v1
    output - CBv1-6/XPv1-2
    region - japan
    game id - 0001
    Post by: jabajaba, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. jabajaba
    i've tried these codes on codebreaker and it didn't work
    i've tried tried the "hp never decreases" and "all weapons" but the game doen't even start
    also, he identifies the "hp never decreases" as the master code
    i've also tried to convert them from RAW to CB(something) in that program and it didn't work either

    can anybody help?
    Post by: jabajaba, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. jabajaba
    Is it just me or this paragraph:
    "To tell the story about the Keyblade War we need the capacity of hi-spec hardware and we need to accumulate all of our knowledge on this hardware. And in telling this story, we will need to tell it in seperate episodes, and how specifically to tell it has yet to be figured out."
    hints towards the release of the new series in the PS3?
    Post by: jabajaba, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. jabajaba
    Is it just me or this paragraph:
    "To tell the story about the Keyblade War we need the capacity of hi-spec hardware and we need to accumulate all of our knowledge on this hardware. And in telling this story, we will need to tell it in seperate episodes, and how specifically to tell it has yet to be figured out."

    hints that the new series will be released on the PS3?
    Post by: jabajaba, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. jabajaba
    hey people, answer something for me please...
    i have imported kingdom hearts final mix + and i have been playing, my question is:
    have the other difficulties of the game (begginer, standart and proud) been made more difficult too or only critical was added to improve difficulty.
    because i choose the third option from the top and i had a though time getting to "Twillight Thorn" and defeating the first boss (i think the third option is proud).
    I'm from Brazil, sorry for the bad english
    Post by: jabajaba, Apr 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. jabajaba
    Ok, here's my thoughts about the secret ending so far.
    The guy ho appears with the Riku-like clothing is a clone or something of the bald guy.
    With the fact that the bald guy had yellow eyes, the brown haired knight was so eager to fight him and also had yellow eyes at the end, i'd say they are somewhat related.
    The blond guy does look like Roxas.
    The bald guy transforms his keyblade into that energy ball que fires at the sky.
    Complete absence of Kingdom Key, Mickey's keyblade and Way to Dawn.
    At the end, where mickey show up at the scene, he can be in the future, after the battle took place. I don' think he appears at the same time of the fighting.
    Also, when mickey appears, it doesn't show any of the keyblades that were there. (i know he could be far away, but when it shows the mountain, we would be able to see them, there were so many)
    Post by: jabajaba, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. jabajaba
    One question...
    at the end of the secret ending of kingdom hearts 2, the three knights pick up the Kingdom Key, mickey's keyblade and the Way to Dawn.
    but in the Kingdom Hearts 2 FM secret ending, they don't even show up.
    any ideas?
    EDIT - Ok, it was already mentioned.
    but another thing, have anyone realized that the bald guy transforms his keyblade into that energy ball that he uses to "create" Kingom Hearts?
    Post by: jabajaba, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX