i think it would be cool if it came out for eathr PSP or DS.
one reaspon is i have both, so it would be ok for me, but i think it would be beter if it came out for the PSP, partly because they could make it 3D with voice overs.
But then again the last hand held version was for the GBA, so it would make sence for the next spin off be for the predessesor of the GBA, the DS.
I think it would be a bad choce if the made it for Cell Phones. Mostly because then we would require a sertan kind of phone to play it ... that would really suck!
A very intresting Idea ... though it will be a bit confusing for me as I am new here .... new in a sence that I've just become a member of this site. I love this site and the work it dose, which is why I am joining.
Keep up the good work Deathspank, you and the other members of this staff do a great job managing this site.
((Yes, i know my spellings not all that good, please dont critasize, thank you.))
Personaly, I fealt sorry for Vexen. Sure he may be an @$$ hole, and may have manipulated Sora in more ways than one. But he actualy tryed warning sora about Marluxas plan to use him, he prpbably would have told him everything if Axel hadent showen up.
And you know what suprises me the most ... the fact that Axel teams up with Sora in KH2 in that one battle agenst that group of Nobodys in that strange Vortex world, the one betwene "Twilight Town" and "The World That Never Was". If Axel hadent destroyed Vexen, its safe to assume Vexen would have done somthing in a similer manner, like becoming a Friend Card for the finnal confrontation agenst Marluxa.