I thought all keyblades were kingdom keys until u changed the trinket on it nd that y they changed to jungle key nd other....i remember somebody saying that
I didn't literally mean two disc lol i meant two discs worth of gameplay like double kh2 cuz that was 40+ hours
almost time for 2.5 got it memorized
it goin be kh2 on the ps3 what more do you have to say then it goin be popping, plus bbs was my good also, nd i finally get to see coded
My favorite quote isnt even that deep is pretty simple...Ya Know and got it memorized
Riku was my boy till he came out wearing the cowboy costume or whatever it is he wearing when he takes his cloak off for the first time haha
I think after all dis wait KHIII should be a deep game with tons of hours of gameplay two disc worth that would be cool
can i get updated on everything tht happened all spoilers cool
already waited dis long couple more years i can deal with game better have like 2 disc of gameplay
i thoguht da new final fantasy tht out was versus guess it goni b couple more years
does anybody kno
alrite thanks equa ill read them whenever u post them