Recent Content by Iruini626

  1. Iruini626
    I'm using ARMAX and yes I converted all the codes using the omniconvert. The system recognizes it but just doesn't load the game.

    As for the dual wielding, I only seeing my original keyblade (descisive pumpkin) but I don't see the other keyblade.
    Post by: Iruini626, Jun 11, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Iruini626
    Oh. The code didn't work. Just tested it. It wasn't dual wield. Do I need to manually insert the second keyblade code?
    He also T-stanced after spamming his attacks. Do I need to remove any abilities?

    I found those 'play as boss' codes few pages before this. Somehow none of them work. After inserting into max, i pressed load game, then the screen just stays black. Is it possible that the codes are TOO LONG that my disc can't handle? (PS2)
    Are there any 'shorter/condensed' versions of those codes?

    I also noticed that KH2FM+ does not have a soft reset feature. Is it possible to generate one?
    Post by: Iruini626, Jun 11, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Iruini626
    It should be okay if I run this code alongside with infinite HP right?
    Post by: Iruini626, Jun 11, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Iruini626
    Hm, Which drive is this? Can you 'breakdown' the code for me. I want to know what is the code inducing to the game.

    Well, post it up here no problem. It's still part of coding and debugging. Should be alright.
    Post by: Iruini626, Jun 10, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Iruini626
    I've read somewhere that Roxas's model wasn't mean to have a drive function
    eg. drive into DW roxas or revert from DW roxas

    I'm not sure if it's true.

    So can anyone tell me/generate a code that drives sora into roxas
    Post by: Iruini626, Jun 10, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Iruini626 do you indicate that you should joker 255 lines? replace the 0 in front of XX?

    What are the limitations to the joker button? Can I use the same joker button to activate 2 different codes at the same time?
    Post by: Iruini626, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Iruini626
    Oh I see....each game has it's own joker code? Thanks!
    Post by: Iruini626, Apr 20, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Iruini626
    Sure. I tried generating 2 codes. One using the normal moveset and one using a neo.

    Moveset mod (norm)
    E008FEFF 0035B55C
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0005
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400

    Moveset mod(neo)
    E001FEFF 0035B55C
    01C95536 00000005

    I think it's only possible for 2, not 3.

    Aladdin & Auron
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95554 00303031
    21C95558 00000000
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F000A
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400
    1032E020 00000036 Auron's
    1032EE24 00000048 Aladdin's
    Try this. I'm not sure if it works or there's a shorter version. I merely joint the codes. Shan-Yu's weapon doesn't have a code I think.
    Post by: Iruini626, Apr 18, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Iruini626
    Well then, I tried to get a code that turns transforms sora's moveset into a final's with a joker. Didn't work. Did I do anything wrong? Can I actually joker a moveset?
    Post by: Iruini626, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Iruini626
    I was wondering if there was a 'joker off' code.
    Like....The R2 button activates this certain code during gameplay, while the L2 button offs the code.
    Is there such a thing?

    Another question:
    Is there a maximum number of lines a joker can handle?
    Analysing the "all abilities, hold R2" code, He jokered only 25 lines. So I was wondering if there is a limit.

    Last question! Yay!
    If I have a code let say 10 lines long but only want 2 lines to be jokered, Is it possible to be in the same code entry or must they be two separate codes?
    Post by: Iruini626, Apr 13, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Iruini626
    Whats joint mod?
    Post by: Iruini626, Apr 6, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Iruini626
    Anyone have the root moveset modifier code that was used in this code below?

    Mickey DW
    11CE0B68 00000318
    21C9F26C 01000000
    21C9F2B4 001C0001
    21C9F2BC 0A000000
    1032E020 00000029
    21CD4AE0 00000769
    21CD5888 58455F57
    21CD588C 5F303130
    21CD5890 46544C55
    21CD5894 00004c5f
    21CE267C 005B009B
    Post by: Iruini626, Apr 3, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Iruini626
    Oh....where was it? Didn't see it on any of the pages. Thanks alot!

    Dang.....where'd you get all these? Great job!
    Post by: Iruini626, Feb 28, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Iruini626
    Yay! Thanks! Though it would be more satisfying if I managed to do it alone. ;)
    Please note that i want to use this code along with the DW Wisdom form code below:
    11CE0B72 00000056
    21CD5230 46544C55
    21CD5234 00004C5F
    21CD5248 58455F57
    21CD524C 5F303130
    21CD5250 46544C55
    21CD5254 0000525F
    1032EE5C 00000220

    Kinda long. This includes most of the limit cut bosses.
    01C9488C 00000004
    01C9548C 00000004
    01C964AC 00000004
    01C98D2C 00000004
    01C99BCC 00000004
    01C99C2C 00000004
    01C99C8C 00000004
    01C99D4C 00000004
    01C99DAC 00000004
    01C99E0C 00000004
    01C99ECC 00000004
    01C99F2C 00000004
    01C99F8C 00000004
    01C9DBEC 00000004
    01CA05EC 00000004
    01CA1CCC 00000004
    01CA22CC 00000004
    01CA298C 00000004
    01CA29EC 00000004
    01CA3D0C 00000004
    01CA47EC 00000004
    01CA4EAC 00000004
    01CA57AC 00000004
    01CAADEC 00000004
    01CAB08C 00000004
    01CABAAC 00000004
    01CAC04C 00000004
    01CAC40C 00000004
    01CAD5AC 00000004
    01CAEF2C 00000004
    01CB192C 00000004
    01CB600C 00000004
    01CB660C 00000004
    01CB756C 00000004
    01CB7B6C 00000004
    01CB95AC 00000004
    01CB960C 00000004
    01CBACEC 00000004
    01CBAD4C 00000004
    01CBADAC 00000004
    01CBAE0C 00000004
    01CBAE6C 00000004
    01CAEF2C 00000004
    01CBBD0C 00000004
    01CBC30C 00000004
    01CBC36C 00000004
    01CBD4AC 00000004
    01CBC3CC 00000004
    01CBCE4C 00000004
    01CBD98C 00000004
    01CBDE0C 00000004
    01CBDECC 00000004
    01CBF96C 00000004
    01CBF9CC 00000004
    01CBFA2C 00000004
    01CBFAEC 00000004
    01CBFB4C 00000004
    01CBFBAC 00000004
    01CBFC0C 00000004
    01CBFC6C 00000004
    01CC068C 00000004
    Post by: Iruini626, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Iruini626


    Well, to be honest I registered to this site last year but didn't really use it or introduced myself. So here it is!!! =)

    I like girls, girls and girls! I'm a guy. I play the guitar, bass, drums and lil bit of piano. I spend 80% of my time staring at this monitor rotting away, be it just waiting for notifications on my facebook to watching wrestling in youtube and sometimes theming my computer. Some people call me geek and I can't object since I'm into those techy stuff like html coding and networking and playing around with windows and the command prompt.

    I'm totally into the KH chronicles and I practically played all the KH already except 3D. My favorite character in the series is: Sora, Roxas, Antisora, Xion, Larxene, and KH2's Kairi.

    I think that would be it! Greetings!

    PS. I'll spend most of the time in the code vault. ;)
    Thread by: Iruini626, Feb 22, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures