Recent Content by IronGiant_Mobile

  1. IronGiant_Mobile
    Sure, it might be kind of cool with Wi Fi. But I really hate how this happens. It seems like the only way to be able to play all the games now a' days is to own every counsole out there!

    I'm already struggling to get a PS3, and I just got my Wii. Not to mention I don't own a PSP or DS. Sigh. Never even touched an Xbox. But lately there's been a new game with like a new counsole.

    Just like what they're doing with the new Final Fantasy VII games. So it would be nice to keep to generally one counsole. Instead of making a new one for PS3, DS, and PSP.

    Post by: IronGiant_Mobile, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX