Recent Content by irmalicious

  1. irmalicious
    We start it off....


    The three we know about are standing in the middle (i dont belive that this is the crossroads becuase in COM the paths are windy instead of strait) The figure walking in the dust is a freaky baldy coot who we dont know.

    he splits into two
    And his 'other half' is armored in red with a keyblade

    It seems as an threat to the three armors. One on a side goes forward to attack him but the middle one holds him back and charges forward I see this as Riku like behaviour

    From here on it gets fast....So Im trying to keep up!

    Baldy coots raises up a wall of hard rock which the armored figure just jumps over yet it causes him to fall, hes quick to get up on his feet though and a second wall raises baldy and red armoured figure (RAF). I think the RAF jumps off the top and blady attacks with either lightning or other creepy baldy coot like magic. I think this attacks the one who first went after him or it attacks all three. (Grrrr Im not sure!) The armour who seemed to come form the other side charges forward while the first one is stunned (i think) His armour and keyblade have been bashed and battered and then he charges. Baldy looks on and waggles his fingers (what the hell?) and throws his hand to the ground sending a sort of tornado and sending loads of the keyblades into the air, (honestly baldy coot is making one hell of a mess)

    One of the amours attacks the RAF from jumping on top of him by attacking him reapeatedly. Then from nowhere icy blasts appear attacking the amour figure.

    The blue armoured figure, and the one who looks like a chick
    arrives and stares up to look at the tornado of keyblades (i wonder who did that) and she and the RAF run out of the way but the RAF jumps on top of the tornado of Keyblades and shoots icy blasts. Its looks like all three armours run out of the way or try to, one is hit (i belive the blue one) and the RAF fights with another one of them.

    Oh great now it gets confusing....!

    Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Im still going!
    I think one of the the amours attacks with lighting, and i dont know who at, one of the other amours backflips (their all a bunch of gymnasts doing a routine for the olimpics....Sorry! Sorry!) while grabbing two keyblades

    I then see an amour on top of the lightning thingy So i belive he made the lightning to get him back to the top of the cliff where baldy coot is he is on the cliff but then is thrown off while narrowingly missing that bloody annoying keyblade tornado where the RAF is still on.

    while hes falling (and losing half his body parts due to being smashed agaisnt the wall) miss blue chick see's him. We see him trying to stick his keyblade into the cliff. He does that, but er....the bit of cliff hes just stuck his keyblade into of and hes along for the ride.... Miss blue only looks up in wonder and the is attacked by THAT STUPID TORNADO!

    We then see the armour who was falling actually smassh into the ground while being attacked by other things (poor guy, he needs a break)

    We then see an armour with a cloak fall into the ground, OUCH! He/she looks pretty hurt and an armour figure (the one who i think fell off the cliff) checks up on him/her. His/her helmet has fallen off due to the impact he/she has grey hair. She/he gets up and shoots purple/blue sparkly magic (ooooooooo ahhhhhh) at the one who i beilved was attacked by the keyblade tornado (miss blue chick:MBC) or either RAF. Trapping MBC or RAF in a crazy dome thingy and sending MBC/RAF upwards with loadsa keyblades supporting the dome thingy. (who knows? It could be both of them!)

    It gets to the top of the cliff and we then see Baldy cootYEY The the whole dome kinda blows up (not good if MBC is in that) and you see a good shot od blady coot smiling, so i belive that he blew the dome up. The two other armours look up shocked. So I guess MBC was in that dome after all. (sniff)

    The armour without a hetmet charges off. While i think we see MBC or that armour without a helmet burst out of the sky and face Baldy Coot. This armour attacks baldy coot but baldy coot throws the amour backwards with icy magic (what is it with baldy and ice?) And then we see the amour with ice kinda growing up his arm (so i guess he aint much of a chick after all, or who knows, this is all so bloody confusing). He looks at baldy coot and blady holds up a keyblade (i belive its the soul eater, yet i could be utterly wrong!) looking ever so unatractive. It then looks like he is attacked by the battered armour who was throw off the cliff HURRAY! BUT! Baldy coot grabs him and looks at the other armour who is still having ice growning up his arm. He can only watch in horror as baldy coot it holding the other armour so tightly by the head it is actually cracking his helmet....nice.

    The armour charges at baldy coot but then RAF arrives and throws him off the cliff with his ever so delightful tornado of keyblades. We see the armour trying to fight agaisnt them.

    We then see the armour who doesnt have a helmet who see's baldy coot still holding the amour tightly by the head. I actually see that the armour who doesnt have a helmet might be MBC cause she looks like a girl (okay if your confused give up reading now) anyway. Baldy coot is still holding the amour by the helmet and its soon falling off, we see a bloke with blonde hair and blue eyes. We see the reflection of the shocked grey haired chick in his blue eyes (im sorry but what is it with blue eyes? wouldnt kill them to have some people with brown)

    Baldy coot then complety freezes the blonde dude and chucks him off the cliff. (another show of his general kindness) as blondie smashes into the rocks bits of him actually fall of. (ewwwww.....double nice with cherries) He falls down where I think that he either fell into the grey haired chick or she actually caught him (more likely to stop him from smashing) She er....looks at his utterly freezed face nice going you baldy haired cooty freak

    The chick is shocked and shows to be even close to tears and blondie still shows to be alive due to the fact that his eyes still move.

    Mr Blady coot and the RAF stand next to each other on the cliff. Blady coot thinks that the battle is over and summons purplely bluey magic up into the sky the clouds part and we see the heart shaped moon that we all go crazy for (this is about the one link thats makes us realise were not on about final fantasy and we actually talking about kingdom hearts phew i was worried there)

    The grey haired chick looks up at Kingdom hearts and we see Blady coot looking up at it satisfied and happy. The whole place begins to shake and writing is flashing across the screen. The armour who was chucked off the cliff by the RAF with his keyblade tornado rips of his helmet. Hes quite good looking with brown hair and blue eyes that suddenly go yellow like baldy coots AHHHHH hes been brainwashed! The we see


    The we see whats left of the battle. With Kingdom hearts showing brightly in the sky. More bloody writing! We then see that familiar little mouse why he has the starsweeper keyblade (i think thats what its called) I have no idea why. But MAN for mouse he looks angry.

    Then after that....we just see morre writing....

    Just wanted to say

    cheers for reading all of must be REALLY confused!
    Thread by: irmalicious, Mar 31, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. irmalicious
    It well could be that Xheanort and riku are father and son. But the what would be the point of following sora for 3 games running?
    Post by: irmalicious, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. irmalicious
    Did anybody realise that this baldy coot (im sorry but that is what i am gunna call now:D ) had yellow eyes like xheanort?
    Post by: irmalicious, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. irmalicious
    This blady creepy yellowed eyed freak, is not xheanort. I can live with that. (YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY) BUT do you think that the red dude was xheanort the NOBODY of the baldy coot. Think about it!
    Post by: irmalicious, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. irmalicious

    But this means it will be out on PS3. Because the PS2 wont be able to handle to graphics.
    Post by: irmalicious, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates