Recent Content by Iraxada

  1. Iraxada
    Ah-hahah. I'm not gonna complain if it exceeds 20 chapters. It's a damn good fic. While I wait... I should finish my own countdown of a KH fic. One chapter to go... *dies from lack of inspiration*
    Post by: Iraxada, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. Iraxada
    *jealous* I'm not allowed to order anything, online or catalog or whatnot, let alone import a game or two.
    Post by: Iraxada, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Iraxada
    I seem to have contracted the idea that the secret movie was indeed in the past. And when I first saw it, I also didn't realize that she was a girl. *dense*

    Anyway, my personal theory is that Xehanort may be one of those "Chasers" himself, as in he was good at one point. That would explain him addressing [her armor] as "friend" in the Room of Sleep.

    Yeah. I do realize how weak that sounds.

    To acknowledge your theory of the lovers: I'm not gonna deny it or put it down or anything, but I won't agree with it, either. Who knows? Certainly not us. It may be so. I can see where you came up with it, at least.
    Post by: Iraxada, Apr 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX