Nope, nothings available or anything. I can only go back to where Aeris and everyone all chillax to, or to where Demyx is. On my save point I can't even get to the gummi ship, it's all screwed. :(
I'm considering restarting the game anyway so I can do all the leveling up I need, since I'm stuck in Hollow Bastion and theres nowhere to buy any healing potions and stuff, nor do I have any summons :(
So I'm stuck on possibly the easiest bit ever. I'd just finished some place or other - can't remember where, think it was the second bit of Atlantis or w/e they call it where Little Mermaid lives. I had the choice of going to Hollow Bastion, Aladdin's World and some place or other - it has been a while since I played the game, I gave up in frustration at one point - and silly me, chose Hollow Bastion.
Now Hollow Bastion is all partied out and destroyed and stuff, and I have to save it's arse but it's proving difficult. As soon as I get to the first bit, Demyx, where I have to defeat him and his stupid water wotsits, I fail. I die about 20 thousand times then switch it off. I can't kill his water things in the time it gives me, and then at points where i've managed to, fail horrendously because I can't even make a dent on him, even when using my da-da-daaaa superpowers.
So, how do I go about this, or should I just start my game over again?