Recent Content by infinit3

  1. infinit3
    Wow psxman, love ur attention to detail. I don't think any of ur questions havent already been answered. You SHOULD be able to use the codes on the first page as is, because those are the ones I'm using. And even tho it says on first page theyre raw a few posts further down from that its clarified that they are actually arv1 or sumtin. So basically to use the codes from the first page thers shudnt be anything you need to do to make them work other than inputing them all into ur SMP3.8. Thats It.
    Post by: infinit3, May 10, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. infinit3
    Only thing I can add is that out of ARMax and codebreaker, the only way I ever got it working was with 3.8 Which kinda supports that.
    Post by: infinit3, May 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. infinit3
    Yea and I never managed to get it working for ARMax so I gave up and got myself a 3.8 elf just to load the game with codes and that worked (very well actually) with my HDLoader. And assuming the actual disc is anything like my elf, then no, thers no converting to be done. The codes on the first page would be just fine as they are because those are the codes I'm using.
    Post by: infinit3, May 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. infinit3
    Yea ok, but like with my first post I never managed to get the codes working for me with ARMax. The master code wouldnt convert for me to ARMAX format when converting from a raw format. It would only convert when I was converting from Ar2V1 format and even then codes would either not work or it would lock up my SMP 3.6 as I was trying to load the game from the DVD.
    Post by: infinit3, May 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. infinit3
    Stupid question, but why would you need to convert anything for this game? The games only been released for one region so why think the codes need to be converted from one region to the next?
    Post by: infinit3, May 8, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. infinit3
    i just settled on using 3.8 because whenever i tried to load it through codebreaker it would always lock up my 3.6 before I could load the game or HDLoader.

    Plus using 3.8 as the cheat device saves me the trouble of converting anything or swapping excessively.
    Post by: infinit3, May 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. infinit3
    Well Fine I gave in and got myself a SMP3.8 elf and loaded the coads that way...took a little fumbling and i even managed to run the codes with HDLoader. All this conversion to this and that just became to much of a pain. thnx anyways
    Post by: infinit3, May 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. infinit3
    OK OK so assuming i got SMP 3.8 would I be able to enter in the converted ARMax code would it accept it without any errors?
    Post by: infinit3, May 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. infinit3
    Could be, thats why I'm waiting for someone to post a Master Code/Cheat Code combination that they've managed to get working for sure on an American ARMax. Unless sum1 else can tell me with a definitive answer why my method wont work at all.
    Post by: infinit3, May 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. infinit3
    its Swap Magic Plus 3.6 but im using it to load an ARMax/cdloader combo disc, that way after the codes are input it'll load back to cdloader which i can then use to either load HDLoader or SMP DVD to swap once more for KH2:FM+

    Also turns out that it only fails to load when trying the HDLoader method, using the other methos it just straight up doesnt werk.
    Post by: infinit3, May 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. infinit3
    Yea I've tried Master code similar to that one and altho the ARMax software accepts it the game doesnt load with the code in place. It boots up a black screen and just freezes there. I shud mention that perhaps the problem is on my end as im tryin to get it to run using a SMP3.6 and ARMax/cdloader combo
    Post by: infinit3, May 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. infinit3
    Well my entering in seemingly random numbers into the game id doesnt help any. The important line of code at the bottom never changes only the top code does, and even then the error message never goes away.
    Post by: infinit3, May 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. infinit3
    Hey guys I'm new to this forum and joined specifically for this thread, cept I have a problem, and I thot u guys cud help me out. Basically I'm stuck at the Master code conversion to ARMAX. I've entered the code provided as raw and changed the game ID to 0001 and the region to Japan except the code it spits out for ARMAX isn't accepted by my ARMAX. The program also gives me this error message "INPUT ERROR: line count in multi-skip (E) code greater than lines in code. Code # 1
    " So can anyone whos gotten these codes to work on an American ARMAX plz post the master code your using? THNX.
    Post by: infinit3, May 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault