I have to agree with this who said the Riku replica fight was the hardest. Never liked that fight :( ~infernoleflanf
My favorite form is the valor form cause mostly the two keyblade fighting ~infernolefland
The hardest for me was Xaldin. I always never liked that boss fight
I have taken a quiz for a organization XIII and I ended up getting Siax ~infernolefland
Hey have fun playing through those games ~Scotty
Thanks for the warm welcome :)
Terra is pretty cool too ~infernolefland
For what I do that is KH related to my everyday life. I am apart of project magic kingdom hearts along with cutsceneaddict ~infernolefland
Hello Miss Taylor my name is infernolefland I have been a fan for at least 7-8 years and my favorite would have to say is Roxas
Hello my name is infernolefland. I am apart of the magic kingdom hearts group who is known as Scotty. Hope to be talking to you guys very soon. Take care all ~infernolefland