I have it, along with all the others for the PS Here somewhere... ;D It's a great Classic, just what I need when I'm in the mood to kill a bunch of ugly mutant *******s with a taste for human flesh. YAY! =D ((I can't believe I still have my old PS1))
Well, let's see. I'd rather know something bad was going to happen then avoid it.
By the way I despise Micheal Jackson, they are giving him way too much attention. The guy was made fun of all his life, and he has to Croak to get some respect? I think that's just cruel.
*GASP! The LIED to me! D: < My stupid friends. xD And plus maybe it's because I don't remember that year, as well as the fact that I watch too much family guy. ;D
If Barney had a facebook, he'd probably get spammed with hate mail and Child Pornography Pictures, then he could blame it on his cat or youtube. Perhaps he'll sue Reptard for his insolence.
A Dumbass who makes themselves sound slightly ******ed because of their lack of spelling/ common sense. These tend to be ten or twelve year olds with no lives and a poor perspective of life, lack of intelligence, and no experience.
You should especially feel bad if the N00b is older then yourself and sounds like a f*cking ****** who speaks through their rectums. No, really. They probably use power farts to type. Huh, no kidding.
This whole situation made me giggle, but then the whole Child Pornography thing made me feel kind of sick. D:< Stupid *******. He should go to jail, not for the Porn, but just for the fact that he blamed his CAT. What a moron. XD
My thoughts are this; So the Mayan Calendar stopped at that month. Wow, big hairy deal. They said the world was going to end in the year 2000, but guess who's still sitting on her rump listening to Japanese music and writing Riku Fan Fics?
My answer is this; what if they were just too lazy to go that far? What if their mystic wasn't all power and just couldn't see that far into the future? What if they ran out of space on the calendar and didn't feel like making another one? There are so many diverse possibilities, just because some old calendar ends doesn't mean the world will end when it does.
:/ Everyone's just being paranoid. But go ahead, might as well get themselves worked up, and I'll just sit back and laugh when this supposed day passes by and everyone is panicking.