Might have been? Man it's been so long I can't remember my old username now. Oh wait. KingdomGlory. I think.
Apparently I don't.
That's a shame. He sent me a song he and some friends recorded and I want to find it. Also I think I made this account while I was drunk a couple years back. So that was fun.
This will date everything ever but Does Deathspank still exist? I have a question for him and stuff. Also hi people, long time no see.
"I like little boys" -Riku "Come on, Sora, I thought you liked games!" -Riku
Twilight isn't all that worth it. It's not fantastically written.
Why did you giggle? :P Anyways, thank you for the welcome. I'll go check out this herrr Spam Zown.
I'm new here and I just figured I'd say hello to you! I'm really bored so I decided to join this forum. Entertain me. NAO!