Recent Content by Imho

  1. Imho
    yeah, but the song was pretty repetitive, so i didnt have much choice, other than to try to do something else for the same thing.(when you are dancing the macerena..arent you being repetitive?);)
    Post by: Imho, Nov 24, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  2. Imho
    "hey, what does this button do...?" *fades out to mushroom cloud explosion*
    Post by: Imho, Nov 23, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Imho
    I made a video a little while back, and its been hard to get people to watch it...I think it's really good xD It's...a bunch of kingdom hearts 2 clips and the macerena song.

    Feel free to leave comments or rate, please! :D
    Thread by: Imho, Nov 23, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio