ooo I still remeber Star Fox, a long time ago. Not to be offensive or anything but those series kinda died. They aren't that great anymore, well for me. But anyways, my favorite charater was the ribbit dude...I forget his name
Gears of war is really addicting. Even though you can play it alot, never gets boring. My friend and I can be it really fast now, like insane is no more than a day (actually no alot less...) but game play rocks. Its nice that you can hide behind stuff, and like the kryll are cool...kinda creative i guess....Halo needs some of that....
like alot of people have said, it really comes down to the type of games you like. And for those who say the 360 sucks, not really i have had mine for a while and nothing bad has happened yet, no crashes, no lagging, and things like that. I take good care of it, either that or I'm just really lucky. Though, i must say if you ARE getting a 360 wait for the elite(elite is coming out this month, its black!) its gonna be so much better