Recent Content by IchigoSeppun

  1. IchigoSeppun
    Well...since everyone else is doing it...

    Here's me. XD
    Also, I figured i'd mention I took some screens from the KH2FM+ KH3 preview. Mostly of the keyblades, but I got a wicked cool shot of the bald guy's keyblade detail. It looks like he has a goat on his...almost reminds me of Pan from Pan's Labyrinth. ^__^
    I can post them once I figure out how >.>
    Post by: IchigoSeppun, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. IchigoSeppun
    Disney Pirates!

    I know this is totally off topic but the mention of Jack Sparrow jolted my brain and I firmly believe that Treasure Planet deserves a place in the KH world. :)
    They've had Peter Pan and Pirates of the why not?
    Post by: IchigoSeppun, May 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX