Recent Content by IchigoK2031

  1. IchigoK2031
    The guy who does Ichigo's voice for american Bleach could be good (even though I despise american anime dubs) I think his name is Johny Young Bosch or something like that, he did Nero's voice for DMC 4
    Post by: IchigoK2031, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. IchigoK2031
    Going back to the xion thing she technically IS memories.
    She is not a nobody at all, she is a being of memories created by Xemnas in the case Sora didn't play his role in creating Kingdom Hearts. She's built from Sora's memories the strongest of which is Kairi that's why she looks like Kairi.
    ...or at least thats what I've heard.
    Post by: IchigoK2031, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. IchigoK2031
    The main things we known about ven are that
    A) He has some relation to sora/roxas
    B) He's some way.

    Using this as a basis, is it possible to say that at least Ven is a keyblade-er who has "lost his light" per say, b/c as Xehanort says "you're beginning to lose it" or something along those lines, then proceeds to talk about eliminating him b/c he's darkness and stuff, so I believe for the time being that Ven is simply a fallen keyblade wielder, and maybe his power is passed on later to Sora? I don't yet know, also there is that scene where Terra sees riku and sora on the beach, I don't know how much significance it has though.
    Post by: IchigoK2031, Jun 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. IchigoK2031
    SLOT1 works...slot 2 not so much

    So using the converted codes I was able to get slot 1 to work(using start as joker) but slot 2( with a OR select) doesn't work...nothing happens.
    Was anyone able to make the slot 2 work?


    Post by: IchigoK2031, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. IchigoK2031
    jokers not so much

    again a story mode character issue, I followed the instructions activated the code in mission select and everything, the game crashes after the halloween town cutscene, day 255, if this has been solved, then I am lazy or inatentive...

    Thank you


    Post by: IchigoK2031, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault