Recent Content by Icer

  1. Icer


    Thank you for your kind welcomes.
    Post by: Icer, Apr 19, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Icer


    I am new here. I only had the ability to play demos of the Kingdom Hearts games at Gamestop cause I never had a PS2. What I know of the series is basically the cutscenes I have watched on here and some of those mangas that were cancelled. I have been a big Disney fan since very little though and wish they would bring back and show the old Mickey and friends cartoons over these live action shows they have on now. I express great sorrow over the death of Mickey voice Wayne Allwine and Jiminy Cricket and wish Bret Iwan kudos on getting the gig. He has big shoes to fill. Well, I hope to have a good time here and maybe become a good member of these forums. I wish that hey would make a new Kingdom Hearts game for the PS3 so that I will be able to play it this time since I have one.
    Thread by: Icer, Apr 18, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures