Recent Content by HyperSuperSonic

  1. HyperSuperSonic
    Hey guys

    Hey guys, i'm new here, and I need some help.

    I am a Pal user of Action Replay MAX, and have used an "unlock all forms code", which successfully unlocked all forms, with a catch - only valor, wisdom and anti are playable. It would seem as though master and final would be playable, except for the fact that the game freezes when I try and drive into the said forms. Furthermore, i cannot view master or finals abilities either. I believe this has to do with the fact that no keyblade is equipped for either (there is a question mark next to the respective slots), but when i try to equip a keyblade, the game freezes, that is, whenever I click to enter into the keyblade selection screen, it freezes. I cannot find a way around this. Please, if any of you guys know how to get around this, it would be greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: Its ok guys - I found a way. Thanks anyway though.
    Post by: HyperSuperSonic, May 20, 2010 in forum: Code Vault