Some things just never change!
Maybe everyone is busy with BBS.
That one french Master Troll might just have a challenger.
Firion is a Galapagos turtle. Zidane is a monkey. I think that just about settles it! BTW KEFKA > EVERYTHING
**** yeaahhh bbs <3 totally looking forward to it
I refuse to believe that is real. I REFUSE.
Your avatar is pretty nasty.
Not much really. I've mostly been savouring the bliss of not waking up at 6AM every fooking morning asldfjasléfff But yeah been mainly gaming on...
Hey there, Fairy gahhh it's been months, I didn't realize I was away for so long asfdljasélfdwtf Well me I'm alright. I graduaded from...
Hey Aeon! It's me, Stupid Aquarius. Or GIIIIIRLZZ ahahha, even I can't keep up with my one too many ******ed names. How's life?!
I think he meant the format of the PSP games Fox. And damn OP, aint you a little late! Where were you when everyone was raging over this issue.
That's why catchphrases are a terrible idea. Why do developpers still use them.
askéljljlljlhfasffff yay BBS <3 finally we're getting news
But isn't it awful?