I agree, Mike, you did perfect in this video, once again. You're greatest character is also your greatest curse XP
greater_bloo - Definitely nailed Sora, I think there were a few forgivable puffs here and there, and the scream was fine, but a easy way of getting more emotion into your screams is by lowing the input volume to a negative db, and just go crazy. That way, your volume probably won't peak. Also, did you call me God? :D
As for me, this was one of the toughest lines I've ever had to do as Riku, simply because I had hardly anything to work from. The original video's quality had Riku's voice to an incomprehensible muddle, and too add insult to injury, he was offscreen, so I had to facial emotions to work from. I do agree with the urgency, and I just wish I had some more direction to go in other than just lines.
Script worked much better than the subtitles, good job V@nit@s!
Good job to everyone for getting this awesome video out in 1 day! It's definitely higher quality sound than the original. BTW, it's not much of a spoiler, is it?
It's ok Mike, everyone makes mistakes! If you love this project, you should stick with it, no matter what complications arise. It shows great courage to be able to produce a professional-looking video when all these conflicts are arising. If you really don't have the heart anymore, then I understand because it's a lot of hard work. But if you need any help editing or casting, please let me know, because I'm here to help you! We're all in this together. (HSM pun not intended!)
Here I am! Lol, but yes, Maggy's absolutely right, practice whenever you can, different pitches and accents. You can't just act the character, you have to BE the character; put your mind into that situation, as if you're actually there, actually sharing that character's conflict and emotion. Giving up will never fix anything; Take an hour or two, completely separate yourself from any distractions, and work on the character. Right down their motives, their actions; connect with the character and share their feelings as if they were your own. It's impossible to master any character unless you give time to connect with them! (I'm not crazy, I swear! XP) Listen, and receive. Take the emotion and pitch the real actors use and copy them. And the real key to getting into character is loving the character: you have to enjoy being the character in order to present them well. Play TWEWY some more, watch Tron Legacy a couple hundred times haha. If you enjoy these characters and you WANT to be them, then you're on the right track, and you just can't rush into recording without practice first. You'll get there, I know it. ;)
I'll get to doing a critique soon when I have more time, but there is something I have to note (and I don't mean to offend anyone by this), but there needs to be some consistent casting here, similar to the real world. Overall, I enjoyed Llave de Espada's sound, but Zekkai was perfectly fine playing Sora as well! If there was a scheduling conflict or you (Mike) had a good reason that he wasn't doing a good job, then it's acceptable to replace him; then the part would go to the understudy (greater_bloo)! It's really not fair to promise a role to someone when you can't keep that promise, even an understudy role. Once casting is done, it should be done, otherwise what's the point in holding auditions? I'm sorry if I sound bitter, but it's just proper edict to respect your cast, especially if you want to use them again in the future. That's all.
As I said, critique will come soon. Thanks for another great opportunity Mike!