Shiro Amano's adaptation of the Org into the KH2 manga is just priceless.
I've got several chapters from the jap manga on me compy. I've tried to translate some of the Org scenes? After about 6 hours I managed to figure out (hopefully) ONE line. I think that's pretty spiffy, considering I never took a japanese class and anything I know are just scattered common words and phrases. XD
That just makes me crack up with laughter everytime I see it. XD
Gahh, I wish I was fluent in Japanese so I could translate chapters 13 and 14. XD
Also, you have to keep in mind that they all probably look slightly different than what they did when they were whole. And I don't mean just hair style. ;p
Xemnas, Ansem, and Xehanort have drastically different looks. In fact, Ansem looks muuuuuch older than his Nobody Xemnas.
Then again, this is really something only Tetsuya can really answer. XD
I wish someone would ask him about the Org's ages.
It's not so much that they've changed it, they just added some things from the manga, to freshen it up a bit. That and, in CG it's easier to have the characters interact.
Vexen's taller than Marly? XD Holy crap I gotta watch that again.....