Recent Content by hero76

  1. hero76
    he said something i found to be hilarious on

    You mentioned social issues in Japan. But games are a global business -- and the youth of America have a host of unique issues in front of them. The reason I mention this is that one criticism of Nintendo's games is that they are very Japanese-centric. American gamers have bought more copies of Halo than they did of Metroid, for instance. Do you ever worry that you're losing touch with what young American players might want to play?
    I could make Halo. It's not that I couldn't design that game. It's just that I choose not to. One thing about my game design is that I never try to look for what people want and then try to make that game design. I always try to create new experiences that are fun to play

    he could make halo that has to be the funniest thing i have ever heard in my life
    Thread by: hero76, May 7, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. hero76

    bleach ep 124

    anyone seen this episode it didn't have that good of fighting but the end showed how much *** whoop there could be
    Thread by: hero76, May 6, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  3. hero76
    i think it was ethier gundam wing or digimon
    Post by: hero76, May 6, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. hero76
    -Edited for Advertisement-
    Thread by: hero76, May 6, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  5. hero76
    i saw it yesterday i also have a link of a site that has the movie on streamline
    Movie link removed for illegal activity

    If you have a complaint contact me and tell me why I should allow it.

    Post by: hero76, May 6, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. hero76
    a amv of final fantasy versus 13 and ff13 i also posted the subbed version of the song in the versus trailer
    and this is the subbed trailer
    Thread by: hero76, May 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio