I don't mind tracking down bugs, but i don't have the technical skills in the modding process to fix any of them sadly.. If there is anything i can do the help the project let me know as well.
If you have an android phone i can walk you through setting up a tether in order to get internet on your PC, it isn't ideal but if thats what it takes i am game
I don't believe any version gets past that part, the solution has been to simply switch to the original iso and get through the event.
Also sorry to be that impatient guy, But i'm curious how the last two worlds are coming? And also if any beta testing is needed i will happily lend a hand.
I don't think that will be possible, at least if everyone wants a complete play through, I only noticed it for sure in Agrabah but when opening chests sometimes you don't get the item.
Awesome! if you ever end up finding out how to correct the animations with the 60fps patch, I'll erect a temple in your honor, But as for now i just worship you for the patch :P
i eagerly await updates. not always getting items has put a big kabash on me playing the game. I also fear i will have to restart cause who knows what i've missed! a sad day indeed :( BUT! glitchless play would be far better haha
Here are some treasure items and shop descriptions for you Sora, I'm not sure but i also think that you'll have to edit these chests on a per world basis. Which means that sadly at least from me. Anything before the Cave of Wonders in Agrabah is lost until someone else wants to pick up the mantle.
First time playing through Final Mix and unless they changed item locations, we have a serious bug in Agrabah, I can't seem to acquire at least two items, the first is a dispel Gummi in the dark chamber, the second is the Protera chain in the Relic Room, neither are added to my inventory, And from what i gather, nothing is being put in it.
Another quick question, Would saves at certain parts of the story be useful? I'm just past Traverse town part 2, But starting from Agrabah i can keep saves per specific points in the story. Again, assuming my work isn't in vain haha..
Seems as the incomplete files state. There are currently a million text alignment bugs though they mostly seem just shifted to the left a ways.. But the big things I've noticed so far:
No description for items in item shops.
Acquiring items from chests is just a garbled mess, or the item name followed by a garbled mess (the first one is the big issue)
anything that happens in space is a garbled mess, Dialog, and Gummi missions so far. And hopefully thats it..
I'd love for the text alignment to be fixed, And the garbled items, it seems easy minus the sheer amount of time to check everything of course. So again if i can help out with this, as someone who cannot speak Japanese, Let me know if there is a way i can help.
Til someone says anything i'll just keep collecting bugs with the current "complete" (as posted above me on this page) release
EDIT: so talking to carpet causes a hang.
When i spoke to it, a box flashed "You'd do that?" then it vanished, i can still enter the pause, But i cannot move or rotate camera.
I hate to sound stupid.. But how exactly do i patch my iso with these files? i know i need to use the texture editor by crazycat, But how do i get the mlds?
Quick question. For the broken text when opening chests. Is lack of man power all that is stopping this portion of the patch's completion? If you can provide me the tools then i don't mind providing the time to finish at least these, i am about to play through the game so it'll be fairly easy for me to test it.
I have begun chronicling text alignment issues for the main story and side quests, more or less i won't be doing miscellaneous dialog, and garbled items. If this wouldn't be useful and or is already documented someone else please let me know so i don't waste my time haha.