Recent Content by Heart_Of_Roxas

  1. Heart_Of_Roxas
    wow....I weigh about 320......and I'm really trying to lose...this actually helps

    Oh and my problem......well besides weight, its that I'm really missing my old friends from last year.....had to go to different highschool than the others and I don't see any of them at all......lost my friends, my crush, any chance of dating my crush, and the people at my highschool are all jerks, cept for a few that kinda adopted me as a friend..
    Post by: Heart_Of_Roxas, May 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Heart_Of_Roxas
    I had a friend like this once......He was always saying "OH MY GOD!!! I DID THIS THING WITH MY DBZ GAME AND I COULD USE FINAL FANTASY CHARACTERS!!!!"

    He was so annoying.....Lied so much,,,,,
    Post by: Heart_Of_Roxas, Apr 18, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Heart_Of_Roxas
    Hey Cloud, just a question, what are those codes in your sig for?

    And anybody know codes to make the game harder?
    Post by: Heart_Of_Roxas, Apr 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Heart_Of_Roxas
    I asked this a few pages ago....never got an anwser....I really want some object mods to fight multiple bosses....

    I don't care what room it is......just please give me any room you know of.
    Post by: Heart_Of_Roxas, Apr 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Heart_Of_Roxas
    Hey.....I've been looking for object mods to fight multiple sephiroths or other bosses at once...does anyone mind showing them to me?

    Yes I'm new to this if anyone is laughing at the way i asked, stop.
    Post by: Heart_Of_Roxas, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault