haha aw that was so cute! XD i laughed some on their funny memories, Kairi farting and Sora wetting himself at 13 HAHA XDDD
you wrote them in character and it didn't feel corny like most stories can be with those two if not watched, but you've pulled it off so well, and yay i loved this little story well done ^_^
Someone named Sorastar542 on youtube has beautifully put together a video where all those scenes shown in the kingdom hearts 2 are on full screen, you can download the video too, but don't claim it as your own as she stresses.
They run perfectly and it’s really awesome so check it out!
I've gotten into a Galerians: Rion mood lately and really did need a change of sig; so here it is, some hours of work but i got there. I don't have photo shop like most people so i had to make do with paint shop pro.
The the idea for the words came to me from the trailer for the movie its self (as confusing and dizzy as that trailer was to watch) I took some notes down of those words and adding my own i started to blend them in (that was the fun part ^^) I played about with the sharpness, and lighting and color, alot; added a frame, darkened and edited it and well there you go XD.