I was kinda shocked, I mean, I don't go on the forums much at all, but when all of a sudden, boom, new owner, no warning...Nothing against spdude, but...it was waaaay sudden.
Meh. I don't really care about BBS *hears shocked gasps* I mean, I want to play it, but I don't mind playing it awhile after it comes out. And not playing Coded, period. However...
I am SOOOOO psyched for 358/2 Days. ORGANIZATION XIII, woot!
Still have no PSP or DS, though I guess I could convince one of my friends to lend me their DS...
I don't know, really...maybe Yuffie. I took that FF quiz and got Cloud, which is kinda ridiculous because I act nothing like Cloud. Maybe I should retake it.
Hikari from Kingdom Hearts (not Simple and Clean. I like the Japanese version a million times better). From a non-KH game, I'd have to say the LoZ theme. I could listen to that thing for hours and never get sick of it. Another fave is One-Winged Angel from FFVII.
Meh. I voted no, but that's because yeah, I don't finish, either. I stick to fanfiction, mostly, or original short stories. Multi-chapters...no. I don't know why, I just can't keep going...