I'm from Iowa, US. ^^; Thanks for the welcomes everyone.
Thank you. :3
Okie. ^^ Thanks~ ><;
I go to cons. c: I cosplay a lot. I have around 15 or 16 cosplays in my closet atm. :> I go to AnimeIowa every year. And I've been to Anime Detour in Minnesota. I'm also going to QC Anime-Zing in Iowa. ><; Ah, fun! ^^ I cosplay Sakura myself.
Hoodie Ninja by mc chris. :>
Yes you do x3 I love your hair colour.~ and thanks guys o///o
owo Well I just joined, so I guess it would be good for me to post a picture of myself. ^^; Spoiler ><
Hello... I'm Haruhime. >///< I just joined today. I'm also a member of KH13.. owo