Recent Content by ~Hannah~

  1. ~Hannah~
    Wow. XD This is like my second post and I don't know why it has to be about this.
    Post by: ~Hannah~, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. ~Hannah~


    Thanks Repliku. And all of you for that matter, I bet he's pretty happy to know you guys care.
    Post by: ~Hannah~, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. ~Hannah~


    This is his sister Hannah, and I will miss him. Sadly I never got to know him as good as you people, because im actually his step. We would hang out a little, but not how we were suppose to. Now I will never get that chance. Miss him, and the jokes he would pull off constantly.......
    Post by: ~Hannah~, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion