Recent Content by guifisilva

  1. guifisilva
    Yeah it's true. Full HD. Recorded with PCSX2.
    I intend to record everything from the Theater mode but it might take some time. I'm going to subtitle them in English and Portuguese, too. (Opening & Day 1 are subbed right now)


    Day 3

    Day 4 and on won't have those japanese subtitles. Thanks to a cheat code I found here (this one in particular... Subtitle Text Mod 2036D618 ????????) subtitles won't show up. Clean screen ftw. :D (I will credit the site/coder on following videos, of course)

    And that's pretty much it. Japanese scenes will have Japanese audio; every other scene will have English audio.

    Hope you enjoy it.
    Thread by: guifisilva, Feb 20, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio