hey hey heyy
Welcome! :)
I'm still pretty new around here too, and what I've learned so far is to always read rules before anything.
Hope you're here to stay! (p.s. 30 seconds to mars is awesome.)
Monster's Inc. or A Bug's Life.
Well, maybe I just don't like those two because I've seen them way too many times as a kid. xP
I feel like pixar movies are only good the first few times or after its been a while and you've matured..
I actually don't mind when people call me by my internet name/real name. Well, sometimes it can get a little confusing but many of my friends like to call me by my internet name in real life.
Online, I guess I'm a little more talkative than I am in real life. I can be pretty shy in real life and online too, but sometimes I'm not.
For me, it's just a lot easier to be heard online than in real life, albeit it feels like I'm the same person both ways.
I've yet to read many great books and classics, but I have to say that The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom was one of the best I've read. The whole thing just seems so poetic and it's a pretty interesting theory about what heaven would be like.