Recent Content by Goofy

  1. Goofy
    Hades! He may not be the most intimidating, but he's the god of DEATH! He fully controls the land of the dead! Plus, he's a sneaky little freak, making deals here and there... Plus, he's the funniest.
    Post by: Goofy, Nov 13, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  2. Goofy
    XD LMAO What about Emily Osment? XD

    Ok, back to weapons.. Uhm.. Something makes me want to think she'd be a Tifa, as in, yeah, like someone said a good few pages back, that she could fight hand-to-hand with gauntlets and grieves.
    Post by: Goofy, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Goofy
    He IS pretty dumb isn't he? (sorta makes you think if you HAVE to be slow-minded if you're gonna be the main character anymore) What I think made him sound the dumbest, was how, memories or NOT from CoM, he still couldn't think to go "Hey, Organization XIII, I just killed Xaldin/Demyx right? So that leaves 12 more to go right?" Not even GOOFY, the voice of reason thought about Organization XIII's title, not even Goofy wondered if there were actually 13 members... So, what does that say for Sora? Also, yeah, nobody really thought "Hey, getting rid of Heartless is a good thing. If they just want us to kill Heartless so they can be ordinary people again, why not? I know they've done some bad things, and messed with our heads, but they couldn't know any better, they were relying on their brains and didn't have the HEART to be NICE about it.." Ya know?
    Post by: Goofy, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Goofy
    I'm just saying, Sora and just about everyone around him recognizes that he is a true wielder of the Keyblade. Roxas was "born" by Sora as his Nobody.. and bares resemblance to a shown wielder of the Keyblade in days since past, not to mention Ven's name coincides with Sora in the case of the name meanings. Kairi has also shown herself able to wield a Keyblade. Namine' was born out of Sora as Kairi's Nobody. Also, how can we say she has no relation with Aqua, whose name also coincides with Kairi's? Yes, and I'm not talking about being look-alikes or wearing the same things....
    Post by: Goofy, Oct 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Goofy
    Xaldin, does your post say that we will be able to play as "the thirteen members of Organization XIII"? Aren't 5 of them dead? Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Marluxia, & Larxene.
    Post by: Goofy, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Goofy
    Xaldin, does your post say that we will be able to play as "the thirteen members of Organization XIII"? Aren't 5 of them dead? Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Marluxia, & Larxene.
    Post by: Goofy, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Goofy
    Ok, yeah, I agree, we're not really looking at the topic as hard as we are our own ideas of Namine' actually USING a Keyblade. But like has been been established, Keyblades choose their wielders depending on the nature and strength of that person's heart.. And can't be held for but a second by anyone who has not been chosen by A Keyblade. (It's been shown that if someone who has been chosen by the Keyblade, CAN hold Keyblades owned by other chosen ones)

    So... before we say Kairi & Namine', explain Roxas to me. King Mickey if you would like to. It was actually stated that Riku was chosen by the Keyblade, and then Sora was chosen OVER Riku later. (then Riku made a come-back with his very own Way to Dawn) The king being chosen has yet to be expanded on.

    What good reason do you have to accept Roxas as a true, honest wielder of the Keyblade over anybody else? Is it JUST because he was Sora's nobody? If this is the case, and Kairi has proven to be able to HOLD a Keyblade and use it in battle, then Namine' should have this same privilege as Roxas.
    Post by: Goofy, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Goofy
    Something tells me eventually someone's gonna get the Fruits Basket idea... Like,

    Xemnas: "god" / the emperor
    Vexen: Monkey
    Zexion: Snake
    Saïx: Dog
    Marluxia: Rat
    Roxas: Tiger
    #14: Cat
    Namine': Onigiri (rice ball) -- Tohru

    I dunno about the others... I like it though...
    Post by: Goofy, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Goofy
    Well, no, she can't just erase / mess with anyone's memories she WANTS, just Sora's, and then that in turn affects the memories of others involved. (I notice this, if you mess with anything strongly associated with Sora, you mess with more than just the kid, you mess with anyone or anything that ever made a bond with the kid, and in some cases vice-versa)

    But yeah, she should rightfully have the power to hold, control, and wield a Keyblade, but she seems to be the kind of pacifist... If not, she seems to be the type to rely on magical abilities...
    Post by: Goofy, Oct 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Goofy
    Ya know, whether this is relevant or not.. Something's really been bugging me.. First of all, Sora never showed any evidence that he remembers what happened during CoM... Second of all, was his character designed to be dim-witted enough not to notice the difference between 13 and 7/8? I mean, it would have made more sense if in CoM they called themselves "Organization XIII", and in KHII they dropped the number and started saying "the Organization". I know, deaths of only 3 out of 5 Organization members were witnessed by Sora & co.. in CoM, but in KHII, I would have wondered why this group calls itself "Organization XIII"... If it's not the number of members, it's something else.. but since it WAS the members, Sora was left to be the dim-witted hero with brash senses and a heart of gold... not even the voice of reason, Goofy, took the time to wonder about it..

    I mean it to have some significance to the subject in that, the Organization doesn't adjust its name to fit the current number of living members it has.. so... Well anyway, I think it could possibly be Aqua's nobody... but, then again, our speculation about ASAS and DD were a little... off. For Pete's (yes, that Pete) sake, we thought Roxas was like, 3 different coated individuals, and that Xemnas was two.
    Post by: Goofy, Sep 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Goofy
    I didn't say that at all. You must have missed the point.
    Post by: Goofy, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Goofy
    Hm.. I'm thinking it COULD be either Aqua's nobody, or a one-off character. If it's a one-off character, she has a slim possibility of being related somehow to the main characters (like somebody jokingly said it COULD be Sora's mom for all we know) but one thing's for sure, if Xemnas welcomed her in, and noticing how I-VI refer to their "recruits", she must be a Nobody for her to have been taken in by the Organization. So, best chances are that she is related to Aqua, or she is her own character, and something became of her that caused her not to be with remaining faction of the Organization during KHII... Doesn't QUITE mean she was offed, but does mean something between her and the other Organization members happened...
    Post by: Goofy, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Goofy
    I think Pooh's been done... Uhm... Try Tarzan.
    Post by: Goofy, Jul 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Goofy
    If they do like how it's BEEN doing, it should go like this:

    Kingdom Hearts [Japan] (PS2)
    Kingdom Hearts [English] (PS2)
    Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix (PS2)
    Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories [Japan] (GBA)
    Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories [English] (GBA)
    Kingdom Hearts II [Japan] (PS2)
    Kingdom Hearts II [English] (PS2)
    Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix + [Japan] (PS2)
    Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories [Japan] (PS2)
    Kingdom Hearts: ???? [Japan] (DS)
    Kingdom Hearts: ???? [English] (DS)
    Kingdom Hearts III or something [Japan] (PS3)
    Kingdom Hearts III or something [English] (PS3)
    Kingdom Hearts III or something, Final Mix ++ [Japan] (PS3)
    Post by: Goofy, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Goofy
    Yeah, I think just being a Heartless made his skin dark... Xemnas should be different just cuz that seems to be how Nobodies work.. (Roxas is actually pretty different physically from Sora, if ya think about it... and Xemnas' hair is different too)
    Post by: Goofy, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX