Recent Content by gokuguy

  1. gokuguy
    Code is possible, but not going to be developed, because 1) No one here knows how to create AR codes... & 2) Ven is too glitchy to call it a true code or productive hack (basically too glitchy to be released without a partial or full fix).
    It has been done here by I believe 2 people, who are the ones that said it wont be released by them. If you know how to rom hack & decrypt mystery files, take your shot at it, & tell us how it comes up for you...
    Post by: gokuguy, Jul 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. gokuguy
    I dont get this, nor do i have time to, but maybe you will understand.
    Post by: gokuguy, Jul 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. gokuguy
    I bet he either got lazy, or couldnt find the right files to continue....

    & I was saying it wasnt worth it for people that trim their roms... I have all mine trimmed, & the patch wouldnt work on it, so i had to take about 45 min to redownload the game, only to find that none of the main text was translated.... It is a great hack, & could be useful in the future. I'm just saying, for non-hacking gamers, that if you have already went through the game, this wont be of any use. Its a great hack though.
    Post by: gokuguy, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. gokuguy
    Sorry............ I just watched the video from this page, not from youtube..............

    Also, it isnt worth it. He lied. None of the story text is done as far as i can see............
    Post by: gokuguy, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. gokuguy
    I think i know who is doing that. There was a guy on GBATemp that was doing it. He had all menus done, & stuff, he was just working on story text. He said when he finishes, he will make a patch for it. His thread was locked a good while back, because of spammers & flammers, but when its done, the admin that was in the thread said he would unlock it temporarily when he releases the patch.

    Post by: gokuguy, Jul 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. gokuguy
    Not that im aware of... Just overclock your ds/emulator...
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. gokuguy
    I think it might have something to do with the speed everything can be accessed. Ive heard from other people on this thread that they got many weapon mods to work for their flash card, & they were using the same codes. I have a 4gb class 4 micro sd, so its not very fast... Its able to play the game ok, & character mods work great, but the only weapon mods i can get working are swapping keyblade character's weapons. Ive never gotten moveset mods to work...
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. gokuguy
    Some weapon mods work for flash cards, mainly simple or obvious ones, but most dont. I have yet to find any moveset mods to work on flash cards. The best way is to use the character mod codes with the automatic joker on them, & attach a weapon mod code to the end. If you look back a few pages, I posted some character mod codes that have automatic jokers, but also button jokers, so you can choose which you want to play as. Just add a weapon mod to the end of one of those codes, & if it is successful, both will activate. If it fails, it will just crash the game.
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 27, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. gokuguy
    I agree. No$GBA is the best. Colors arent 100% accurate like iDeaS, but it works the best & is the fastest.
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. gokuguy
    Yeah. If anyone figures out how to open the weapon files in the rom, I'd be happy to sprite any new weapons wanted.

    Also, im making some new button joker character mods. Reason is, while you are playing, if you have more than 1 on, & you press the buttons while in a mission fighting, the next time you walk through a door to a new, large area, it changes to that character. Ill be putting more buttons on the joker. It will be more confusing to remember which buttons are which characters, but it will help from that happening.

    Sounds Awsome codebreakeronly! The only problem we might have then is repacking them afterward........ Also, what does he use to find out how unknown files can be uncompressed/decrypted? Just a hex editor?
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. gokuguy
    Here is your help.

    1. The ones on the first page wont work on flash cards or actual games. For some wierd reason, they only work on emulators.

    2. The only codes that have that many lines are the character codes. If it is on a weapon or moveset mod, it means its with the character code.

    3. The character codes have those lines, because it is an automatic joker. It makes the codes start at the beginning of a mission, & end after one, so almost no crashes occur.

    4. Those codes I posted were ones you must have both jokers to activate, the automatic & button jokers. If you look back some pages, probably in the 70's, I posted a complete list of complete character mods, without the button joker, which makes it where you can only use 1 at a time, but it works every time.

    5. I have had the hardest time with weapon mods. Some work, some dont. It might be because Im using a flash card, or it might be because i have a slow working sd card for it, but many of them do not work.

    6. If you cant find the other code list i posted with character mods, just take off the joker at the top of the other code, & change the Character Offset to whatever character you want. With that, you cant go wrong.
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. gokuguy
    Man, now is when i wish I understood more about this stuff... Decrypting the unknown files, i mean.
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. gokuguy
    If you need help with them, use the codes below for an example. You must activate those kind of codes when he mission is loading, at the black screen with a flashing Nobody Key symbol. Here is an example of what the codes should look like;

    (1P) Axel (L+R)
    94000130 FCFF0000 <<<<<Joker
    9204C1E4 00000002
    2204CA8F 00000001 <<<<<Character's Offset
    D0000000 00000000
    9204C1E4 00000080
    2204CA8F 00000000
    D0000000 00000000

    (2P) Axel (L+R)
    94000130 FCFF0000 <<<<<Joker
    9204C1E4 00000002
    2204CB93 00000001 <<<<<Character's Offset
    D0000000 00000000
    9204C1E4 00000080
    2204CB93 00000000
    D0000000 00000000

    (3P) Axel (L+R)
    94000130 FCFF0000 <<<<<Joker
    9204C1E4 00000002
    2204CC97 00000001 <<<<<Character's Offset
    D0000000 00000000
    9204C1E4 00000080
    2204CC97 00000000
    D0000000 00000000

    All you change on these is whatever buttons you want for the joker, & the character you want in the offset. Also remember, these dont make new characters appear in any mission, it only changes the characters that are already there. Therefore, 3P codes only work on day 193, mission 56, because that is the only mission that actually has a 2nd character with you. Hope that helps.

    PS: NEVER USE THESE IN MISSION MODE IN MULTIPLAYER!!! I tested it, & it works ok, until the person with codes attacks... The game will crash for that person, & it will instantly disconnect on the other.
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. gokuguy
    I figured so. I was just making sure, because the keyblades, when you look up close, are flat. Thanks.
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. gokuguy
    I have a question. Are the keyblades that are in the game just sprites, or are they also considered 3D objects? The reason Im asking, im great with spriting, but I dont know much about actual decryption of locked files & such, & it would just be wicked to see like Roxas using Ven's or Aqua's keyblades.
    Post by: gokuguy, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault