I can't wait for it to come out in the USA X3 It's coming out in 2010 in either the Summer or Spring, I think...
Vexen's Japanese laugh...it sounds like a mixture of a child molester, and a turkey. But they ruined it in the English dub ):
I...ALWAYS use Zexion...I'm sorry to say it, but...he's really weak :| But I lurves him all the same ♥ But I also use Demyx, Xemnas, and Saix :D
"Maniac Magee" I have never re-read a book so many times in my LIFE! I had to read it almost every year in Elementry school, and last year...**** I almost shot my teacher for making me read it AGAIN
The Nightmare Before Christmas. 'Nuff said
Yep! ^^ If you like AkuRoku...Hope ya like it~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_zBTzeBX8s
I'm so getting SoulSilver. Lugia is much better than Ho-Oh in my opinion
Same :D Just making a video
Hello :3 How are you?
AxelxRoxas SoraxKairi KairixRiku RikuxNaminé SoraxNaminé MarluxiaxLarxene XemnasxSaix XigbarxXaldin ReplikuxNaminé
I like Aqua the best
Sims Bustin Out is awesome