Recent Content by GarrettFinch

  1. GarrettFinch

    He felt like this battle was lasting quite a long time and soon it would be over. He pointed his keyblade at the snake and let loose two different lightning attacks.

    AJ used Thunder bell x2 due to being Projectile
    AJ used Fox taser x2 due to being Projectile
    Maui used giant hook
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Feb 8, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. GarrettFinch

    He could feel that this battle was lasting long so the best thing to do was to help everyone at once. He pointed his keyblade to the sky and light shot out. Then he turned his attention to the snake and lighten shot out.

    AJ used Mystic Aura
    AJ used Thunderga
    Maui used Giant Hawk
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jan 24, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. GarrettFinch

    He could feel the battle lengh reaching long at this point. They need luck and it would be great if the could some how stun this snake for just round. He could feel the drain of using so much magic fighting this battle. He pointed his keyblade at Jafar as lighting shot out and he just hoped for the best.

    AJ used Thunderga
    AJ used Thunderga
    AJ used mystic shot
    Maui used shark bite.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jan 13, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. GarrettFinch
    Well this kind of sucked. This was turning not that well but Jafar would make a mistake and when he did they would be ready. now it was time to do something. He watched as maui attaked the snake and now it was time to do more damage. Then he followed up with some magic shots and thunder attacks

    Maui used Shark bite
    AJ used Thundaga
    AJ used Mystic Shot
    AJ used Thundaza x2 due to being Projectile
    AJ used Mystic Shot
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jan 11, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. GarrettFinch

    With Jafar a giant snake he was not impreeseive as Jafar probably thought he was. He summoned his keyblade as it was time for the battle to start. The first step was to have some hep because the more help hecould have the better they would be. Then it was time to attack the snake.

    AJ summoned Maui
    AJ used Thunderbell
    AJ used Thundaga
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jan 8, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. GarrettFinch
    Spending 20 Crowns to increase defense and resistance.

    Crowns left 683

    So status
    Hp 150
    Mp 12 (+1)
    Strength 24
    Speed 51
    Defense 40
    Magic 73 (+12)
    Resistance 40
    Ap 74 +(7)

    Achievements ap up + 3 (180)
    Achievement hp+ (210)
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jan 6, 2025 in forum: OOC Lounge
  7. GarrettFinch

    As Maleficent had taken her leave the remaining heartless vanished. He stood up.just to see what had just unfolded. How Jarfar had just used two wishes in a manner on minutes. The battle was over and using Karina's strength and his magic had worked out rather well. Then Kel and Karina were talking about a competent ruler. He joined the two. 'But I mean he is hiding behind genie and a lamp so he is rather weak if he has to hide. I am not even that afraid for genie after all he could only put me in a dress' "Well I think it is clear that he does't think he can beat us without the use of the genie. After all if he could then why even bring it up." He told the two. He was going along with what Kel and Karina were saying.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Jan 4, 2025 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. GarrettFinch

    As more and more Heartless were blocked from paths and he continued to moved rocks. Then there was Karina who took out more and more heartless. He just hoped this worked because if if did not it would not be a good thing. With more and more of the path blocked off now was the time to act. Before he did anything he gave once last look at the people around him and made sure they were save and a good distance away before he acted. He pointed his his keyblade at one last rock moved it one last spot so the heartless had now only one place to go. Then Karina looked over the enemies on the field, choosing a place far enough away from her allies, but around the most heartless, Karina shifted gravity. She created a new center of gravity for a short distance. This pulled any heartless in the area to that spot.
    "Now" He look looked over to Karina and pointed his keyblade to the sky a a wind cloud came to life sucking the reaming heartless that did not get trapped by Karina's gravity spell to one spot. "Drop the gravity." he told Karina. He stood in the center of the wind and with one swift motion as the gravity went off he increased the wind speed and now if was impossible for Karina to see him. He launched most of the heartless off from where they were standing into the unknown below. Miss counting the few heartless that were left a few bandits came sorting at him. The few that were left was nothing Karina could not handle. Where he was stand he was no longer there and the bandit hit him. knocking him to the ground he locked up and saw a unconscious bandit on top of him.

    Post 10/10 EXP Writer 10,000Exp

    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 21, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. GarrettFinch

    He kind of figured that they where trying to slow them down. 'If we get to Jafar, if we get to Maleficent, then we trap them there.' The heartless were all spread out to do much of anything. That was it a idea came to mind as Karina said 'The heartless will either follow us to them and leave the town alone or they will decide that the heartless aren't strong enough and try and deal with us themselves, then we need to do what we do best.' "That it Karina." Now all that was left was to act on this plan. He knew there was not much they could do with the heartless all spread apart but he forgot one important thing generally speaking heartless were stupid. They were not to bright. If they could get all of the heartless in one spot then they take them out so many of them at once then reaming heartless numbers would not matter. "I got it." This plan was to get all the heartless in one spot. This idea would probably hurt him but it would be worth it if he could get them all in one spot. It would save Jasmine too. "Karina try to get them in one area I got a idea." With that he gave Karina a smile before heading off. He pointed his keyblade at some rocks and used the power of wind to move them blocking a path and started creating at path so there was one direction for the hearless to go. There was no way that the heartless could get to jasmine and Aladdin as he just blocked the path and they would now have to take a longer path to get to them.

    Post 8/10 EXP Writer 8,000Exp
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 21, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. GarrettFinch

    As He found himself surround by the three fat banits, Karina spoke out, 'Damn it AJ! Get your head out of the clouds, now is not the time to be distracted.' Thankfullfull she took out two of the three "Yea thanks." He said as he now was fully in battle mode. Unfortunately a opening for some regular bandits to get close to Jasmine and Aladdin. "Right I got it." He told Karina. At least they new that the fat banits were easy to take out from behind. Sprinting forward towards the bandits that went towards Jasmine and Aladdin. He quickly took them out as they where more keen of on those two then him. As he rushed forward with his keyblade taking out the baneits that manged to get though the line. "Hay, Karina any idea how to stop this hearless from coming out of nowhere endlessly? Beside stopping Jafar and Maleficent I dont see how to stop them." Thankfully there was no opening for the heartless to get though to get to jasmine and Aladdin for the time being. Hopefully Aladdin would get Jasmine out of there. It would help them so they could handle one problem at at time.

    Post 6/10 EXP Writer 6,000Exp
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 21, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. GarrettFinch

    Despite going after the bird right away and giving chase after the heartless showed up there was simply no way to get the lamp away from the bird. He was far to protected from the hearless to really do anything about it at the moment. The key was to defeat the heartless before the bird could give the lamp to Jafar or Maleficent. There was no telling what a wish would do in there hands. They could take over the world with a snap of a finger or worse. This whole thing just made him think of his home world and the well. The well that was hidden and could grant and wish. He turned his attention to the heartless for the time being. He took out some Bandits quickly but as soon as he took out or two more would take there place. For every two or more he would take out at least four more would take there place.

    The heartless seemed to be endless and coming from no where all at the same time. He was able to get a slight look at Jafar and Maleficent before the heartless blocked way to them and his view. Jafar and Maleficent just had the look in there eyes like they had won. As he took out a few more bandits three fat bandits showed up. Then form a moment he could see the shimmer of the lamp before it went out of view. The wish was problem more so then the lamp. Just like the well was not the problem but the prospect of the wish was. Sure there was more a few that wanted to good with the wish but more wanted to do bad with it back home. He he thought he found himself surround by three fat banits. This was not good with no end in sight.

    Post 4/10 EXP Writer 4,000Exp
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 21, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. GarrettFinch

    They soon arrived at some hole at the edge of town. Soon Aladdin made sure he was out of sight before he pulled out a large lamp from his vest. 'I found this in the cave of wonders... It's got a pretty big secret but I think I can trust you guys. Not to mention I need to make sure Jasmine's okay.' He new that this was not going to turn out good. Soon a booming, charismatic tone came from a larger than life blue genie with a twisted curl of black hair atop his bald, elven eared head, his bottom half, nothing but a stream of smoke. Magic was his first thought and it wound explain why Aladdin was not surprised at what they could do. Then this blue guy said, 'The one and only genie of the lamp! Rub-a-dub-dub the lamp and have your dearest wishes granted.' "No no no this is bad." Of course he landed somewhere were wishes were possible. 'I'm a mighty powerful guy, but anyone who has my lamp gets access to wishes. Any three wishes! ' "Surly there is a catch." There always was just look at what happen on his home world when a wish was involved. Aladdin then continued to explain what he was going to do with the wishes. That he was was gonna use it to make him into a fabulous prince. But Jasmine's in trouble, and I need to use my second wish to find her. Maybe I'll save being a prince for my 3rd wish. You said one of the rules was I couldn't force love, but Jasmine can only marry a prince. It's law after all. And there it was a catch a rule.

    Soon Jasmine showed up and said,
    'Jafar's taken over the palace and hypnotized my father. He's working with another evil women with pale green skin and they kept talking about some kind of keyhole.' Maleficent was here. He turned to Aladdin and said, "I would get rid of that lamp as soon as you can. A wish is a dangerous thing. It makes people go wild. People will want a wish for themselves." The lamp needed to go as far a possible where no one would find it. It was that or free the genie. "You don't need a wish to make people see who you really are. Trust me on this." No sooner had he said this when Overhead, a tiny parrot was aggravatingly trying to shake off Abu as he was flying overhead with lamp in his talons. See people want the wish he was not surprised in the slightest. He quickly summed his keyblade to go after the bird. If Jafar got the lamp or Maleficent did it would not be good.

    Maleficent then summoned several Fat bandits, and Bandits. The key was the lamp he did not want it for himself but to simply put it out of play. He let out a sigh as the battle began.

    Post 2/10 EXP Writer 2,000Exp
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Dec 21, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. GarrettFinch

    They soon found out that the sultan was also missing. The Royal vizier is in charge. He wondered who that might be. Karina then said, 'Doesn't anyone find that fishy? Like seriously. It is just obvious what is going on and instead you think this scrawny ass kid and his monkey with no money could kidnap two people without anyone noticing?' This was more or less a typical day for them but more then likely this was way off for people of a different world. Then Karina said, 'It would take power, money and access to the two most powerful people in this damn world.' This made him think for a moment. Then kel said something before he could say anything. 'We probably should follow Aladdin on the off chance he gets into trouble again?' As he walked away from the guards he turned to kel and Karina. "Will I guess we need to find out who this Royal vizer is. It might be a wild goose chase or it could be something more." Someone with power he thought. Then some came to mind. "Someone with power or maybe someone from another world. I am am thinking a member of the Hellfire club is some how involved." He told the two as he he walked. They would have the power and the means for dong something like this.
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Nov 5, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. GarrettFinch

    More and more guards were going down and getting knocked unconscious. Soon it would be over. There were only a few guards left standing at this point. Then Beuce who has been quite for some time went after a few guards. He let out a sigh this whole thing could have been avoided if the guards bothered to talk to them. Maybe they would try something out once they were all knocked unconscious that was usually how thing went. Who was to say though. it was time to move on and find what was going on Aladdin and Jasmine. Perhaps find out what was going on with this missing Princess Jasmine. He would have suggested that the guards just stop now but he did not think that was going to happen. Like what was the chances they would listen now after they would not listen in the first place. This whole this was just a mess. As it seemed that there was a misunderstanding. Maybe the guards did not care. The were probably working for someone that just wanted Aladdin out of the way. He first went after the guard that Beuce had just went after and knocked them out before going after the other three. There was one left standing and slightly injured now.

    Guards Defeated: 19/20 Injured Guard: 29/30

    ooc: exp writer 2000

    Munny gained 30
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 28, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. GarrettFinch

    As Kel spoke it made him think. Kel had just said, 'Doesn't the disappearance of a princess seem a little outside the expertise of a common thief?' Kel was right it did not make any sense. For one why would Aladdin tell them he was going meet some one here. That and he was looking for a beautfiul girl with black hair and a brown hijab. Unless this girl with black hair and a brown hijab and Jasmine were two different people then something was up. If indeed they were the same person then Aladdin asking for there help did not make much sense because he would know where Jasmine was. He guessed that Aladdin could have been lieing but that did not seem to be the case based on his reaction. From what he gathered Aladdin did not seem to know where Jasmine was. He tured to the guards and was going to say something but it was not worth it. For one he did not thing they would listen even if he got the chance. For now the best thing to do was just to keep going. So he rushed towards the hurt guard and fished him off then went after some more.

    Guards Defeated: 10/20 Injured Guard: 4/30

    OCC exp writer 2000 from last post
    exp from this post 2000
    Munny gained 60 last post and this one
    Post by: GarrettFinch, Oct 21, 2024 in forum: Role-Playing Arena