Recent Content by FusionDefiance

  1. FusionDefiance
    no problemo. i don't break rules easily... nor do i spam.. that's just plain annoying. i've had a forum once(and someone posted something and.. it got deleted..) grr yes, well, toodles.
    Post by: FusionDefiance, Oct 13, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. FusionDefiance

    Yo, what's up

    Yeah. I got to this place by watching a funny video called Kingdom Hearts The Stupid Files 8.

    Yeah so.. This place is cool. I don't have ps2 or anything, but I like the game. Played a demo at.. lol WalMart. Yeah.. That was a loooong while ago. I'm too poor, so can't have a PlayStation. The only one I've got is a old PS1.
    Also got Nintendo 64, NinGC, NinGen, Atari, PS1, NinGB, NinGBAd, Sega Dreamcast..(somewhere) and that's about it.

    Uh... I'm 17, not telling ya'll my real name nor where I live. If you check out my profile, it'll say BFE IN. Er.. I'll be 18 the 22nd of Oct. er.. Next week. Yeah, g2g, gotta go to a football game. w00t! Yes, I'm into that... No, not really. I just like hanging with the friends. Oh! gotta empty out the camera!
    Thread by: FusionDefiance, Oct 13, 2006, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures