Recent Content by Full002

  1. Full002
    Oh ok. I heard the word Bal Masque. Let me guess its a orgnization of Guze no Tomurga? I am at episode 17. I am almost done season 1. Also can you tell me when episode 9 of season 2 comes out. Also Power of Existince is like the persons energy and life source right.
    Post by: Full002, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. Full002
    Ok thanks. Right know I am watching episode 15 pretty intresting to see how Shana became a Flame Haze! So thanks man. Srry for bugging you lol. So I think I got everything down if I ever have a question I will just watch the show over and over again. This a pretty good anime! I just heard a bad guy talk on episode 14 I think its that woman with so many eyes. I think her name is Bal something. Also how is Yujji Hougou so powerfull? I mean all it does is that it never weathers away so Yuuji never dissappears?
    Post by: Full002, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  3. Full002
    Ok then. Also Unrestricted spells are spells they use in battle right. So I got the plot right nothing to worry about. I hope someone uploads the episodes on youtube or at least myspace lol. I also heard there is a movie! Should I wait till after watching the first season. Also when I watched the first episode I could tell Shana was going to fall in love with Yuuji lol! Also are the king of Guzue like people or sprits trapped in objects or something? Plus is Yuuji's weapon at the moment Frigons Azure ring? I saw him use it before
    Post by: Full002, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Full002
    Ok what episode do you figure out their main goal? Also do they ever go to the land Guzu? The Fezustu is a time-stop thing so when they are fighting the Rienne or Tomagura nobody would notice? Also I hearing stuff abotu Crimsion Densisines or something I heard they are trying to diss order the world? Anyway thanks for your help I'll just ask you or just watch the Anime over and pover again Also is it confimirmed if The Second seasons is its last part. Shakugan No Shana is kind of short.
    Post by: Full002, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  5. Full002
    So at least I got the plot right.Then Yuuji's Hougou (forgot its name has the power to regenerate its power at twelve) Isn't the Temorgura's main goal? Its devouring the world right? Also do you mean Shakugan No Shana Second as in the second season? First of all Shakugan No Shana has 24 episodes then it continues in Shakugan No shana Second which so far has 8 episodes right? Where can I be informed of the episode releses?
    Post by: Full002, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Full002
    Oh ok. Right know I am at episode 12 those Tomugara siblings freak me out! So right know the plot is that both Shana and Yuki are protecting the world from the tumrgara because if they got Yuki's Hugou they would destroy everything. Will the plot become more then just that? Also does shana come from another world Called Guzu?
    Post by: Full002, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Full002
    Oh okay. Thanks man! So the Tomogara are the bad guys because they devouring souls which would mess up eveything. The Flame Haze are their to stop them. Pretty interesting. I finished episode 4 I don't get why Margery is fighting Shana! Their both Flame Hazes! Is it because Margery wants to kill the Tomogara (Which is Frigon right?) Also what about my other question for finding a site with the episodes
    Post by: Full002, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Full002
    Hey I am just started to watch this Anime and its pretty intresting but also confusing. I am at episode 4 right know I kind of get it. Basically its about Yuji Sakai who finds out he is a torch (a temperoery replacment for erased humans) but he is a special torch called a mistes which contains a treasure inside of him the Hugou (magical objects which can provide special abilities) he meets a flame haze which are fighting the Rienne which are trying to take peoples Hugous and give them to the Eaters Tomugera no something? (lol I can't remember long Japanese names). So know Shana (what Yuji named her after her sword) she has to watch over Yuji so no Rienne can steal his Hougu because its really special. So do I have it right so far? lol

    If I don't please explain it to me. It seems pretty intresting. I am watching the episodes of myspace. I know there are 24 episodes. There is a sequel that only has 7 episodes out right know. BleachExile puts them up so I know when they come out so I can watch it on myspace. Also can you tell me a site that puts up all the streaming episodes. And wil continue to put up episodes for the sequel till it finishes.

    I heard good things about this anime so I am watching it. Well just to kill time until Budokai Tenkaichi 3 comes out. lol Who knows I might really like it!
    Thread by: Full002, Nov 24, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Full002
    Hey. I am just asking is that are there any maijor differences between Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tencakichi 3 (DBT3) for the Wii and DBT3 for PS2?. For example does Wii have better graphics, more chracters etc. I wanna to know if they are exactly the same so I can get DBT3 for PS2 since it is coming out a month earlier to be exact.

    Also I have some questions for DBT2.

    -Can you instenlily transfrom from normal Goku to SS3 Goku without transforming into SS Goku,and SS2 Goku first? I have tried transfroming instenlily to SS3 but it doesn't work I to transform to SS1 then SS2.

    -When I try to power down to normal goku by pressing R3 + Down it doesn't work. I have to both press R3 and L3 + down for it to work. Is there something wrong with my controller or possibly my ps2?
    Thread by: Full002, Nov 11, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Full002
    ok then. What I really hate about the tales sereis well maybe in every RPG is the story. Its to complicated! Like I know the story on TOS. Its about this Goddess (who is the Goddes for Sylvrant right? I think that what th e world is called.what is her name anyway) fell into sleep because this warrior died to bring back the great tree. So she said you have to wake me up or world well be destroyed because of depletion on Mana right? so there a chosen one who has to become an angel by opening these seals and wake her up. I know there is gotta be more to the story like why is Desians are trying to stop her and stuff. I know probably have to re-play this game to understand the story. "sigh"

    So is there a collisum in this game to? Like I have tales of the abyss and there is always a team of mix of characters from other tales games. Is there a team in this one to? Also just double-checking I got the story right? Also i am at these desert ruins where the first seal is. Also do you figure out why Desians aree trying to stop Collette. There is also why there after Lyoids Exsphere and why was the blue haired guy said "I see the resemblence". I know if all this wil be answered if I just continue the game.

    Anyway see ya later thanks for the help.
    Post by: Full002, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  11. Full002
    Ok. Right know my favourite character is Kratos. I wonder why he wants to go on the journey? Is it just because he got paid or is something else? right know i am at the place where you escaped from the desians base and you meet up with the others. (in the dessert)So bascally they have to go to the heavens to awake the goddess hmm... So mana is what really is part of the world. But why is that just because a goddess is a asleep the world is going to die? Is have to do with mana? What is mana anyway

    Ougis are the speacial attacks! (like you know how in tales of the abyss and you go into overlimit and use mystic art. those are ougis) How do you go into overlimit any in TOS?
    Post by: Full002, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  12. Full002
    I just got Tales of Symphonia for my GameCube! Its a good game but the problem is the story. I just started the game and I'm lost! I think its about that there was this great tree that has all the mana. I think mana is what exists in the world like its part of it. During a war the tree was destroted a hero gave up his life to make it survive. And this goddess was so sad that she went to sleep and she said that you have to wake me up or the world will be destroyed. So there is a Chosen who has to go on a journey of regerneration and has to become an angel to wake up the goddes. Is that how it is?

    If thats not the story can you explain it for me? Also tell me anything I should now about the game. Like how to do Ougis and stuff.
    Thread by: Full002, Aug 19, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming